Journal archives for June 2017

28 June, 2017

Gus Engeling WMA -- short notice... Saturday, July 8th! Wanna come?

@brentano , @briang and I are going to go to Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area on Saturday, July 8th. Anyone else want to come? I think the major thing we'll be looking for is dragonflies, but there are LOTS of other stuff there too, apparently:
The herp community has documented lots of stuff there, but I know there are some things that aren't on the species list for iNat yet! Let's change that.

I know it's incredibly short notice, and I realize that not everyone can come... But if you want to, let me know! Attaching some folks that may be interested that aren't too too far away:

@cosmiccat @kimberlietx @gcwarbler @greglasley @mikeintyler @centratex @eric_keith @lbullington24 @annikaml @aguilita @dfwuw @wildcarrot @tfandre @lauramorganclark @mikaelb @mchlfx @jblinde @nanofishology @charley @galactic_bug_man @mikef451 @cmeckerman @tadamcochran @butterflies4fun @danjohnson77077 @hydaticus @pfau_tarleton @oddfitz @jennformatics @gaberlunzi @daniel112 @griff @benhutchins @beschwar @gpstewart @anewman @august_farrow @connlindajo @cgritz @laurenjansensimpson @itmndeborah @ericisley @oz4caster @lulubelle @alaws @sherylsr @talkbirdytome @andrewbrinker @sarahg @alisonnorthup @billdodd @amberleung @gpstewart

I know I'm leaving out a bunch of folks -- attach/bring your friends if you want to come. Tag people that I left out, please!

The tentative schedule:
Arrive at Gus Engeling at around... 9ish? Explore a bit, get lunch, explore a bit more, then head home later. I don't think I'm going to stay the night, but I suppose you can if you'd like! Palestine is 19 miles away, and there are some places to stay there. It'll probably be mighty hot, so bring LOTS of water, and bring some water boots too. Ticks will be out and about, so it may be smart to spray your clothes too.

No permit or entrance fee required -- I'll be there with you.

Can you come? Comment if you can!

Posted on 28 June, 2017 20:17 by sambiology sambiology | 75 comments | Leave a comment