Journal archives for January 2017

26 January, 2017

iNaturalist TX BioBlitz -- May 12 - 14 at Pat Mayse WMA (close to Paris, TX). Wanna come?

Dear friends,

Short message:

Gathering at Pat Mayse WMA ( on May 12 - 14, 2017. Survey here: Want you to make observations here. Want to have fun. Want to see you. :)

Longer message:

Hello! Hope everyone is doing well. I sure enjoyed the heck out of the Big Thicket BioBlitz last fall with many of you. iNat is an amazing community, and it's so dang fun to get to meet many of you in person. We observed a LOT at the last bioblitz (, but just as importantly, we had a great time with each other. At least, I hope you feel this way!

Well, based on the last survey and some email correspondence, it sounds like we want to do this again. So, I've been in contact with a few folks and I've been looking at the iNat observations map, and North East TX is a potential location for our next TX iNat gathering. I know this may not be the top choice for everyone, but I have a feeling wherever we go, we're going to have fun and see some amazing things.

One location, Pat Mayse Wildlife Management Area is particularly interesting. This is a 8900 acre area that is usually used as a public hunting grounds. There is no hunting going on from May 1 - 15 (after that, it's squirrel season!). So, I've talked with the TPWD folks, and we'll have pretty much free range on the 8900 acres for comradery and exploration. That second weekend, May 12 - 14 looks like it might be a good time.

Here is a survey that I would LOVE for you to complete (just three questions). Again, I know it's hard to work out a perfect location and a perfect time for everyone, so if you're not able to make this one, apologies... I do hope that these sort of things will be a regular event, though. There are so many places that need to be explored, and it's a lot of fun to do that together -- even if it's just for evening gatherings after exploring solo during the day.

A few things to mention about Pat Mayse WMA. No restrooms. Yikes! So, this will be roughing it indeed! There is a campground nearby owned by the Army Core, but I think there is a charge to enter or to camp... I don't know what it is.

Elizabeth (my wife) and I will likely stay the two nights at a hotel in Paris -- there are quite a few options of cheap hotels there.

Pat Mayse WMA has no electricity! I'm planning on renting a gas generator for mothing on Friday and Saturday night. It may hold a few lights, but if you have another set up, be sure to bring it.

Pat Mayse apparently is fairly rugged as far as roads go... 4 wheel drive is important, according to the website. I have not been before though, so if you have been there and know differently, let me know. This may mean that we meet somewhere and just jump into whichever vehicle can handle the roads, or we'll just do a bit of walking around.

Like the Big Thicket, food will be kinda on your own. I'm planning on bringing some PBJ. We may have a nice gathering on Saturday night and I'll cook up some hotdogs or something.

Pat Mayse probably doesn't have any wifi/internet connection. Just FYI.

If you aren't able to make this, that's totally ok (although, we'll miss you!). There is another event later in the year that's a bit larger of an iNat gathering. BJ Stacey (finatic on iNat) is organizing an event in August 20 - 27 in Arizona. For more details:

If you wouldn't mind, please do the survey so I have an idea of how many folks to expect.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. And please forward to the other iNat folks that you know that might want to join us!

~Sam (sambiology)

Posted on 26 January, 2017 01:54 by sambiology sambiology | 1 comment | Leave a comment