Alien species requiring attention - Mzimkhulu Wilderness Area, Drakensberg

Highlighting alien species that need attention in the area.
For Pines: where there are no notes on numbers, there are just isolated plants - numbers are given of denser infestations.

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 22:38 by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Winding Down!

A huge thank you to everyone who has photographed moths this week!
I know our weather has been all over the place! We've been in this severe drought, and I feel like I haven't seen nearly the variety of moths that I've seen in prior years, and in smaller numbers. We had two days of rain in my area, and it seems to have helped a little bit! I had more flying last night, than earlier in the week!
Looks like it's going to be another good night tonight!
Good luck everyone, and ha...

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 22:01 by dreadhorn dreadhorn | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July Update

(Hello in Anishinaabemowin)

Our previous two walks at Naapi's Garden and Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park (Áísínai'pi) were fantastic. Thank you to everyone who attended.

At Naapi's garden, we observed wildflowers such as Purple Geranium, Low Larkspur, Wild onion (Pisatsiinikimm), Wild Carrot (Niistsikápa’s), and Nineleaf Biscuitroot (Opihtahtsi). Api'soomaahka taught us about how yarrow (Áóhtoksóoki) is known as the "medicine chest" of the prairies. The le...

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 21:32 by toryanse toryanse | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Expedição botânica à quadrícula PE75 - Sabugal SE (Serra da Malcata - Guarda - Beira Alta) / Penamacor NE (Castelo Branco - Beira Baixa)

1. Descrição do habitat

700 a 1100 metros de altitude
Granito porfiróide numa pequena zona a SE de Foios junto a Espanha; xistos mosqueados a sul, este e oeste de Foios, com filões aplito-pegmatíticos (rocha siliciosa) mais perto de Foios; xistos e grauvaques no vale da Ribeira das Colesmas e daí para oeste (Carta Geológica de Portugal, folha 21-B)....

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 19:59 by mferreira mferreira | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Passeggiata verso Monte Nero

Passeggiata di quattro ore: salita verso Monte Nero e poi discesa a mezza costa sul Sentiero Liguria verso Ospedaletti.
Lungo la salita incontro una serie di serre e moltissime specie diverse di libellule; presto scopro che la loro abbondante presenza è dovuta a delle cisterne utilizzate immagino per coltivare: ne noto sempre alcune volare intorno a questi specchi d'acqua.
Salendo e in parte della discesa passo attraverso la macchia mediterranea. Nell'area con arbusti bassi non n...

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 19:39 by alberto_agostoni alberto_agostoni | 1 observation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

INVASIVE PLANT ALERT: Poison Hemlock - Report ALL sightings!

Join the Fight to Eradicate Poison Hemlock in Creston/the Kootenays!
🌿 Protect Your Community: Spot, Report, and Eradicate Poison Hemlock! 🌿

Hey, Creston residents! CKISS needs YOU to report sightings of the invasive and dangerous Poison Hemlock.

Why is this important?

Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum) is highly toxic to humans, livestock, and pets. This plant also displaces native vegetation, especially in riparian areas, leading to reduced biodiversity and s...

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 19:21 by ckiss_kootenay ckiss_kootenay | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Status of Namaqua Dove in Algeria and recent observations in 2022 [Statut de la Tourterelle masquée en Algérie et observations récentes en 2022]

@HADDAD, K., CHETIBI, M., AFOUTNI, L. & MAURAS, D. 2023. Status of Namaqua Dove in Algeria and recent observations in 2022 [Statut de la Tourterelle masquée en Algérie et observations récentes en 2022]. Dutch Birding, 45 (2): 123-126.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 18:12 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Répartition du peuplement avifaunistique le long du gradient d’urbanisation de l’écosystème de Constantine, Algérie [Distribution of the bird community along the urbanization gradient of the Constantine ecosystem, Algeria]

@BENDAHMANE, L., HADDAD, K., CHETIBI, M., AFOUTNI, L. & MENAA, M. 2022. Répartition du peuplement avifaunistique le long du gradient d’urbanisation de l’écosystème de Constantine, Algérie [Distribution of the bird community along the urbanization gradient of the Constantine ecosystem, Algeria]. Go-South Bulletin, 19: 63-74.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 18:10 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Premier signalement du Pic Goertan Dendropicos goertae en Afrique du Nord. [First record of African grey woodpecker Dendropicos Goertae in North Africa]

@HADDAD, K. & AFOUTNI, L. 2022. Premier signalement du Pic Goertan Dendropicos goertae en Afrique du Nord. [First record of African grey woodpecker Dendropicos Goertae in North Africa]. 4465, Alauda, Volume 90 (3): 73-76.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 18:06 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

New data on range of Sudan Golden Sparrow and African Silverbill in Algeria [Nouvelles données sur l'aire de répartition du Moineau doré et du Capucin bec-d'argent en Algérie]

@HADDAD, K. & AFOUTNI, L. 2022. New data on range of Sudan Golden Sparrow and African Silverbill in Algeria [Nouvelles données sur l'aire de répartition du Moineau doré et du Capucin bec-d'argent en Algérie]. Dutch Birding, 44 (4): 293-298.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 18:02 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Du nouveau sur les orchidées de Constantine (nord-est d'Algérie) [News on the orchids of Constantine (northeast of Algeria)]

@HADDAD, K., CHETIBI, M., AFOUTNI, L. & FILALI, A. 2021. Du nouveau sur les orchidées de Constantine (nord-est d'Algérie) [News on the orchids of Constantine (northeast of Algeria)]. Journal Eur. Orch. Volume 53 (2-4): 135–178.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 18:00 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Hirven ekologiaa

Artikkelista Niedziałkowska, Neumann, Borowik, Kołodziej-Sobocińska, Malmsten, Arnemo & Ericsson (2022). Moose Alces alces.


Vasa painaa syntyessään 13–15 kg. Yhden vasan paino on keskimäärin suurempi kuin kaksosena syntyneen vasan paino. Uros- ja naarasvasojen painossa ei ole eroa. Nuori vasa käyttää ravinnoksi emän maitoa ja kasveja ja kasvaa nopeasti vieroitusikään (n. 5 kk) asti. Kasvunopeus riippuu tänä aikana eniten maidon laadusta. Vieroituksen jäl...

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:58 by lindalotjonen lindalotjonen | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Nouvelles observations d’Ophrys de Battandier Ophrys battandieri E.G.Camus (pro hybr.) 1908 en Numidie (Algérie [New stations of Ophrys battandieri E.G. Camus (pro hybr.) 1908, in Numidia (Algeria)]

@HADDAD, K., VÉLA, E., CHETIBI, M. & AFOUTNI, L. 2021. Nouvelles observations d’Ophrys de Battandier Ophrys battandieri E.G.Camus (pro hybr.) 1908 en Numidie (Algérie [New stations of Ophrys battandieri E.G. Camus (pro hybr.) 1908, in Numidia (Algeria)]. L’Orchidophile 231 : volume 52 (4): 357-364.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:57 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Données nouvelles sur l'aire de répartition du Moineau domestique Passer domesticus en Algérie [New data on the range of the House Sparrow Passer domesticus in Algeria].

HADDAD, K., BELLATRECHE, M., MEBARKI, M.-T. & AFOUTNI, L. 2021. Données nouvelles sur l'aire de répartition du Moineau domestique Passer domesticus en Algérie [New data on the range of the House Sparrow Passer domesticus in Algeria]. 4435, Alauda, Volume 89 (4): 297-300.

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:55 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

African Crake at Kerzaz, Algeria, in November 2020

HADDAD, K., ZAÏDI, H. & ACHRINI, M. 2021. African Crake at Kerzaz, Algeria, in November 2020. Dutch Birding, 43 (4): 39-40.

The observation site (29°27’32.5”N, 1°26’35.0”W) is located 252 km in a straight line west of the...

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:53 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Deuxième observation du Vautour de Rüppell Gyps rueppelli en Algérie [Second observation of Rüppell's Vulture Gyps rueppelli in Algeria]

@HADDAD, K., ZAÏDI, H. & KENTAOUI, A. 2021. Deuxième observation du Vautour de Rüppell Gyps rueppelli en Algérie [Second observation of Rüppell's Vulture Gyps rueppelli in Algeria]. 4417, Alauda, volume 89 (2): 147-149.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:52 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Blue-naped Mousebird and Black Scrub Robin at Tamanrasset, Algeria, in 2018-19

@HADDAD, K. & BEKKOUCHE, S. 2021. Blue-naped Mousebird and Black Scrub Robin at Tamanrasset, Algeria, in 2018-19. Dutch Birding, 43 (2): 147-149.


This paper documen...

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:49 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Du Nouveau pour le Liseron de Durando en Algérie [News for Durando's bindweed in Algeria]

HADDAD, K., AFOUTNI, L. & SACI, A. 2021. Du Nouveau pour le Liseron de Durando en Algérie [News for Durando's bindweed in Algeria]. Le Courrier De La Nature, No. 327 (Mars-Avril): 22-23.

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:48 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Redécouverte d’Ophrys pallida Raf. à Constantine (Algérie) [Ophrys pallida Raf. rediscovered in Constantine (Algeria)]

@HADDAD, K., AFOUTNI, L. & FILALI, A. 2020. Redécouverte d’Ophrys pallida Raf. à Constantine (Algérie) [Ophrys pallida Raf. rediscovered in Constantine (Algeria)]. L’Orchidophile, 227 vol. 51 (4): 405-410.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:46 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

On track to becoming a cosmopolitan invasive species: First record of the box tree moth Cydalima perspectalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in the African continent

@HADDAD, K., KALAENTZIS, K. & DEMETRIOU, J. 2020. On track to becoming a cosmopolitan invasive species: First record of the box tree moth Cydalima perspectalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in the African continent. Entomologia Hellenica, 29 (2): 27-32.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:45 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Oiseaux rares récemment observés en Algérie [Rare birds recently watched in Algeria]

@HADDAD, K., AFOUTNI, L. 2020. Oiseaux rares récemment observés en Algérie [Rare birds recently watched in Algeria]. 4399, Alauda, volume 88 (4): 307-310.



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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:43 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Répartition actuellement connue du Moineau doré Passer luteus dans le sud de l’Algérie [Currently know distribution of Sudan Golden Sparrow Passer luteus in Southern Algeria]

@HADDAD, K., AFOUTNI, L. & MEBARKI, M.-T. 2020. Répartition actuellement connue du Moineau doré Passer luteus dans le sud de l’Algérie [Currently know distribution of Sudan Golden Sparrow Passer luteus in Southern Algeria]. 4387, Alauda, volume 88 (3): 56-58.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:41 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Premier signalement de Deudorix livia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) dans le sud algérien [First record of Deudorix livia (Lepidoptera: Lycanidae) in southern Algeria]

@HADDAD, K., AFOUTNI, L. & MEBARKI, M.-T. 2020. Premier signalement de Deudorix livia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) dans le sud algérien [First record of Deudorix livia (Lepidoptera: Lycanidae) in southern Algeria]. EPPO Bulletin 50 (2): 292-294.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:40 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Nouvelles localités et répartition du Capucin bec-d’argent Euodice cantans dans le sud de l’Algérie [New localities and distribution of African Silverbill Euodice cantans in Southern Algeria]

@HADDAD, K. & AFOUTNI, L. 2020. Nouvelles localités et répartition du Capucin bec-d’argent Euodice cantans dans le sud de l’Algérie [New localities and distribution of African Silverbill Euodice cantans in Southern Algeria]. 4377, Alauda, volume 88 (2): 144-146.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:37 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Première observation du Coucou jacobin Clamator jacobinus en Afrique du Nord [First record of Jacobin Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus in North Africa]

@HADDAD, K. & AFOUTNI, L. 2020. Première observation du Coucou jacobin Clamator jacobinus en Afrique du Nord [First record of Jacobin Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus in North Africa]. 4365, Alauda, volume 88 (1): 71-72.


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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:35 by karimhaddad karimhaddad | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Reminder: Roy G Guerrero Colorado River Metro Park National Moth Week Event tonight; Fri, Jul 26

Only a slight chance of rain tonight in Austin, and the heat and humidity seem to make it quite good for moths, at least based on what I've seen at my house and our first two public National Moth Week events. We'll welcome your attendance at Roy G Guerrero Colorado River Metro Park, where we've always had good nocturnal insect viewing because of the great habitat. See you there.

Light and sheet stations will be operating at dark. Sunset is around 830 PM.

Bring your...

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 17:09 by jcochran706 jcochran706 | 1 comment | Leave a comment

Happy Bioblitz!

We're so excited to have you join us for the South Santiam Watershed Council's very first bioblitz! Whether this is your first bioblitz, or you're a seasoned naturalist, your participation means a lot to us! The bioblitz officially started this morning, and we hope that you'll be able to take a moment today to observe the wild world around us.

Take your time and have fun this weekend :) Take in the beauty of the watershed we live in! Every observation, common or uncommon, adds t...

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 16:11 by marieheub marieheub | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Philoliche as pollinators - New paper

Johnson, S. D. 2024. Long‐proboscid horseflies ( Philoliche : Tabanidae) as pollinators of co‐adapted plants in Africa and Asia. Journal of Applied Entomology

Elongated nectar-feeding mouthparts have evolved in several fly families, most notablyNemestrinidae, Bombylidae and Tabani...

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Posted on 26 July, 2024 16:04 by traianbertau traianbertau | 1 comment | Leave a comment