Erie MetroParks's Journal

Journal archives for March 2024

01 March, 2024

Project Update - February 2024

February was another cold month (for the most part). We had blistering winds and a few inches of snow at times, but then we even had a few days of 50+ weather! The number of contributions to the Project was low, but that is to be expected with the weather conditions!

We did not add any new members to the Erie MetroParks iNaturalist Project, meaning we still have 43 members. If you know of anyone that may be interested, please direct them to our page!
The Project increased from 12054 to 12105 observations (+51), and 1967 to 1972 species (+5), but there were no new observers from 202 (+0).
Our number of Research Grade observations increased from 8124 to 8196 (+72). This equates to a Research Grade percentage of 67.71% (up from 67.40%).
In total, there were 49 observations added to the Project this month. The observations include 18 birds, 12 mammals, 5 plants, 4 insects, 3 fish, and 2 fungi.
Of these, there were 33 species recorded. Bald eagle was observed the most (6 occasions), followed by white-tailed deer (4 occasions) and common raccoon (3 observations).
The observations came from just 7 observers. They top four observers were @martyndrabik (25), @briarrose777 (15), @jenniferc3 (4), and @dfcharles (2).
The top observations of the month include:
Nosy pill woodlouse (
Common snowdrop (
Bald eagle (
American red squirrel (
Winter aconite (

Thank you to everyone for contributing to the Project.
~ Martyn

Posted on 01 March, 2024 14:13 by martyndrabik martyndrabik | 0 comments | Leave a comment