Nalle Bunny Run 2017-04-01
I was not able to lead a group walk on Hill Country Conservancy's Nalle Bunny Run in March, so I was happy to spend the morning on the preserve today. It was cloudy and mild, with rain forecast for the afternoon. Here are some highlights.
Returning summer birds were evident, including single heard-only singing Yellow-throated Vireo, Northern Parula, and Yellow-throated Warbler. I was especially excited to hear the Yellow-throated Warbler in the cypress trees by the lake. I've only detected a single male returning here for the past few years, and was glad that he has made it back for at least one more year! White-eyed Vireos and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were also back.
A female Black-throated Green Warbler was the only for-sure north-bound migrant I observed. It was on northwestern part of the preserve with a group of Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers that responded to my "pishing." In the same area I was excited to hear a distant thrush singing. I wasn't able to tell what kind it was but Hermit and Swainson's are most likely. And in any case hearing the double-noted flutey song of any thrush in Texas is a privileged and magical experience!
Little Wood Satyr butterflies were the most common butterflies on the preserve, all in the denser wooded areas. By the gate there were several small patches of Antelope Horns milkweed, and some of the Red Buckeye along the ridge on the western half of the preserve was in impressive bloom.
Here's my complete eBird list: