Journal archives for February 2019

01 February, 2019

January 2019 Photo-observation of the Month

Congratulations to Cat Abbott for winning the January 2019 Vermont Atlas of Life iNaturalist photo-observation of the month. The image of an Eastern Coyote staring at the camera in a marvelous winter scene was the most popular photo-observation.

Coy-dog? Coy-wolf? Roland Kays, Research Associate Professor of Wildlife and Scientist at NC Museum of Natural Sciences says no. He prefers Eastern Coyote. Writing for The Conversation he noted that "Coyotes in the Northeast are mostly (60%-84%) coyote, with lesser amounts of wolf (8%-25%) and dog (8%-11%). Start moving south or east and this mixture slowly changes. Virginia animals average more dog than wolf (85%:2%:13% coyote:wolf:dog) while coyotes from the Deep South had just a dash of wolf and dog genes mixed in (91%:4%:5% coyote:wolf:dog). Tests show that there are no animals that are just coyote and wolf (that is, a coywolf), and some eastern coyotes that have almost no wolf at all." Read the fascinating full story highlighting some of the latest research at The Conversation.

Top three images for January 2019. Click on the image to go to the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist and explore more. The Long-tailed weasel with a rabbit kill is amazing!

Visit the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist where you can vote for the winner this month by clicking ‘fav’ on your favorite photo-observation. Make sure you get outdoors and record the biodiversity around you, then submit your discoveries and you could be a winner!

Posted on 01 February, 2019 15:26 by kpmcfarland kpmcfarland | 0 comments | Leave a comment

20 February, 2019

Workshop Wednesday Live at Noon on VCE Facebook Page!

Are you new to the world of citizen science and overwhelmed by websites like eBird and iNaturalist? Have you been contributing citizen science data for years and wondering how to get more out of these treasure troves of information? Whichever of these categories you fit into, or if you’re somewhere in between, VCE’s Citizen Science Outreach Naturalist Nathaniel Sharp is here to help!

Join Nathaniel on Facebook Live Today at 12:00 PM (20 Feb) for a half-hour session where any and all of your questions about Vermont eBird and the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist can be answered and explored. Screen sharing on Facebook Live allows you to watch Nathaniel’s screen in real time as he goes through your questions on eBird, iNaturalist, and e-Butterfly—and all Facebook Live sessions are posted to the VCE page so you can refer back to them later! Whether you’re from Vermont or beyond, feel free to send questions ahead of time to Tune in at Noon to and post your questions live!

Posted on 20 February, 2019 16:02 by kpmcfarland kpmcfarland | 0 comments | Leave a comment
