Help Make Observations Research Grade
As some of you may have noticed, the mothership for iNaturalist Vermont will hit 1 million observations sometime this week. While this is definitely a cool milestone, here at the Vermont Atlas of Life we like to keep a closer watch on the number of Research Quality observations. These are a subset that have locations, dates, photos, and IDs corroborated by the naturalist community that can be harvested by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, BISON and other science databases.
The subset of research grade observations has usually comprised just over half of all observations on iNaturalist. We have 11,101 observations (and growing!) that have photos but have not yet become research grade.
Can you help us close the gap by putting your ID skills to task? Here's a link to the iNaturalist Vermont observations that need your help.
Let's help iNaturalist hit a half million research grade observations and iNaturalist Vermont become even better. With darkness arriving early, its a perfect time of year to be a virtual naturalist!