Journal archives for August 2024

02 August, 2024

August EcoQuest


Milkweed Insects

Milkweeds (Asclepias spp.) are often associated with the iconic monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), but many other insects also rely on these plants. New York City is home to five native species of milkweed, whose sap contains toxic cardiac glycosides that defend against herbivores. Several insects, often sporting bright orange or red coloration, have evolved ways to withstand these toxins. This month, take a closer look at milkweeds to get to know these unique plants and their insect associates!

Guide to Milkweeds of NYC (includes current and historical species)

Common Milkweed Insects

Managing Milkweed Crop Pests

Posted on 02 August, 2024 11:42 by glyptostrob0ides glyptostrob0ides | 0 comments | Leave a comment