Journal archives for July 2024

03 July, 2024

July EcoQuest

Tracking Beech Leaf Disease

Tracking Beech Leaf Disease

Beech leaf disease (BLD), which is associated with a foliar nematode species, Litylenchus crenatae, can cause the decline and death of native and introduced species of beech trees (Fagus sp.). The disease causes distinctive striping, curling, and thinning of the foliage, and can cause tree mortality in as little as 2-3 years.

BLD was first discovered in Ohio in 2012, and has since spread east into New England and north into Ontario, first reaching New York state in 2018. Little is known about BLD or how it spreads, so identifying new areas of infestation is crucial. Currently, there are ~100 observations of the disease in NYC on iNaturalist; help to track its spread by uploading your observations of BLD.

Also, consider uploading your observations to iMapInvasives , which NY state uses to track and manage invasive species.

Unlike other EcoQuests, this project includes observations made at any point, and will continue to collect data after this month is over.

Posted on 03 July, 2024 01:54 by glyptostrob0ides glyptostrob0ides | 0 comments | Leave a comment