Journal archives for December 2018

01 December, 2018

Trump administration OKs seismic tests that could harm thousands of dolphins and whales.

The Trump administration is preparing to take an important step toward future oil and natural gas drilling off the Atlantic shore, approving five requests from companies to conduct deafening seismic tests that could harm tens of thousands of dolphins, whales and other marine animals.

Posted on 01 December, 2018 11:28 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Crab fishermen and environmentalists square off over whale entanglements.

Climate change has pushed whales closer to shore and fishing gear.

Posted on 01 December, 2018 11:34 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

04 December, 2018

Breathtaking dolphin stampede captured in slow-motion video.

Photographer Ashala Tylor captured this breathtaking phenomenon in slow-motion last week while on a voyage off Avila Beach in Central California. Her stunning footage reveals the power and grace of common dolphins as the sleek mammals frolic over a large expanse of ocean.

Posted on 04 December, 2018 03:27 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

05 December, 2018

Marine mammal rescue groups in California collaborate on new technique to help entangled sea lions.

With whale entanglements on the rise off the Southern California coast, it is no surprise that reports about California sea lions trapped in lines and embedded with fish hooks are increasing.

For the first time ever, five agencies charged with protecting marine mammals from San Diego to Sausalito came together recently to share ideas on how to best aid larger sea lions entangled in more remote locations off Southern California’s beaches and in local harbors.

Posted on 05 December, 2018 12:15 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

06 December, 2018

Bobcats come roaring back.

In recent years, Midpen has received consistent reports that the bobcat populations in the district’s preserves are much healthier, without any noticeable signs of mange. Tokatlian said she is comfortable saying that the district has effectively addressed the issue.

Posted on 06 December, 2018 13:11 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

08 December, 2018

Daring mountain lion found dead after the Woolsey Fire.

The approximately 4-year-old mountain lion was known for crossing the 101 and 118 Freeways northwest of Los Angeles, using a storm drain as his bridge. According to the National Park Service, P-64 made the trek more than 40 times. His daredevil crossings awarded him the nickname “Culvert Cat,” because of the culverts he used to cross the highways.

Posted on 08 December, 2018 13:06 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

09 December, 2018

7-Year-Old Sea Lion Found Dead From Gunshots in Point Reyes National Park: Officials.

“Markings on the sea lion allowed our marine mammal stranding network partner, the California Academy of Sciences, to identify the male sea lion as 7 years old and born on San Miguel Island,” the post said.

“NOAA Fisheries Service researchers reported that he had been consistently seen around the island since he was born. Injuries to the sea lion were consistent with gunshot wounds. Thanks to the well-documented visitor reports, researchers were able to have his complete life story.”

Posted on 09 December, 2018 08:29 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

11 December, 2018

Tuleyome Tales: When it comes to black-tailed deer, the nose knows.

The female black-tailed deer have five scent glands on their bodies and the males have six. Each one is on a distinct spot on the deer’s body and can transmit different kinds of pheromonal information from one individual to another, or from one individual to the entire herd.

The one gland specific to the males is the one on the forehead between the antlers. It secretes a scent that communicates the buck's physical maturity and whether or not it is old enough to breed.

You’ll often see the bucks rubbing their foreheads against trees and other vegetation, marking them with scented advertisements to females and other males in the area.

Posted on 11 December, 2018 09:11 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Watch humpback whales, including ‘Chompers,’ teach calves to feed off the Orange County coast.

There’s a buffet of anchovies off the Orange County coast — and the humpback whales are here to feast.

It’s not just a good place to find a meal during their annual migration down to the warm waters of Mexico, but also an opportune chance to turn the ocean into a classroom, teaching newborn whales the basics of how to feed. And the footage captured recently of the small calves attempting to scoop fish into their mouths — sometimes missing — couldn’t be any cuter.

Posted on 11 December, 2018 09:14 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Save the Vaquita Postcard Writing Campaign.

Gayle Anderson was live in Long Beach at the Aquarium of the Pacific, which is participating in an effort to save the Vaquita porpoise from extinction. Zoo and aquariums across the country have launched a worldwide ONE MILLION CARDS postcard writing campaign. The effort, led by Vaquita SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction), a collaborative effort by effort by the Association of Zoos and Aquarium (AZA), member institutions, is working to encourage new Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to continue the country’s Vaquita conservation initiatives.

Posted on 11 December, 2018 21:44 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment