replaced with |
You have to be very careful with the "Move children to output" option. That will automatically create new names under the output genus.
e.g. Neomarica caerulea would automatically become Trimezia caerulea. In many cases that automatically swapping will create invalid new names. In this case, in POWO, it is spelled Trimezia coerulea, with an o: http://plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:441647-1
So you first need to check if all the epithets line up exactly, do the species taxon changes for the cases where they don't line up, and then you can swap the genus.
@bouteloua, can you please have a look at this to make sure it's all OK? From what I've seen iNat conforms to Plants of the World online, but there might be more to the story that I have time for. Also did the same for Lobivia –> Echinopsis. Thanks.