Journal archives for November 2016

03 November, 2016

Autumnal birding in San Francisco.

All across the country, fall migration is slowing to a trickle as each species seeks out its winter residence. No matter even if there is not a great variety of species or a spectacle of numbers, birding in a different landscape is always intriguing.,430390

Posted on 03 November, 2016 15:45 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

07 November, 2016

Aggressive turkeys terrorizing residents of Davis, California.

The city of Davis, Calif., passed an ordinance allowing a trap-and-release program to remove up to 40 aggressive wild turkeys in the area. One turkey, known as "Downtown Tom." forced several frightened residents to call police for help.

Posted on 07 November, 2016 14:59 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 2 comments | Leave a comment

15 November, 2016

Why do seabirds eat plastic? The answer stinks.

Some species of seabirds, including blue petrels, are particularly vulnerable to eating plastic debris at sea.

Posted on 15 November, 2016 14:25 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

20 November, 2016

Grab a free Black Friday pass (before they're gone) to one of 116 California parks.

The best Black Friday deal around might well be far outside the mall. You can snag a free pass to one of 116 California state parks if you want to hike rather than shop on Nov. 25.

Posted on 20 November, 2016 16:51 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

25 November, 2016

DNA analysis of bluebird feces reveals benefits for vineyards.

Do bluebirds nesting in California's vineyards help grape growers by eating agricultural pests, or hurt them by eating insects that are beneficial? The researchers behind a new study found that bluebirds' presence is likely a net positive--and they did it by analyzing DNA in bird poop.

Posted on 25 November, 2016 08:37 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 1 comment | Leave a comment

29 November, 2016


Some of you may know that I sit on the Board-of-Directors (a non-paying position) for the Earth Discovery Institute. We are one of the smaller non-profits in San Diego but we do amazing work getting public k - 12 inner-city school children into the outdoors and feature education through environmental hands-on stewardship (see below). We are currently trying to fund our next fiscal year so if you feel like donating to a worthy cause today and you're glad Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over. . today, 'Giving Tuesday' . . . is that day! Think globally, act locally! We are also involved in environmental rehabilitation (like planting cacti for endangered cactus wrens), river clean-ups, and removing graffiti from national ecological reserves (people actually spray-paint on boulders!) to name a few. If you don't donate to our cause today, I urge you to donate to a similar local cause today; small local organizations like ours will be vital in maintaining habitat through this next presidency . . . but I hope you give to us! We're worth it!


California science curriculum shifts to hands-on learning.

Los Angeles Times | on November 5, 2016

Posted on 29 November, 2016 14:00 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

30 November, 2016

Wet fall should help winter birds migrating to Central Valley.

A wet autumn should continue a trend this year of improving habitat for Swainson’s hawks, western sandpipers and other migratory birds that arrive in the Sacramento Valley via the Pacific Flyway, a major north-south migratory route, each winter.

Posted on 30 November, 2016 12:05 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment