Aggressive turkeys terrorizing residents of Davis, California.

The city of Davis, Calif., passed an ordinance allowing a trap-and-release program to remove up to 40 aggressive wild turkeys in the area. One turkey, known as "Downtown Tom." forced several frightened residents to call police for help.

Posted on 07 November, 2016 14:59 by biohexx1 biohexx1


:( I am embarrassed for our town that people are frightened by wildlife..... aggressive turkeys? Its not like 40 turkeys are isolating people as a gang of 40 all at once! If a turkey is bothering you clap your hands and say scram! Davis should go out into nature more often and learn that some folks deal with bears with less fear! A goose will give a bigger nip on the butt than a turkey ever would!

Posted by cayce almost 8 years ago

And . . . Thanksgiving is coming up if worse got to worse.

Posted by biohexx1 almost 8 years ago

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