Journal archives for May 2018

04 May, 2018

City Nature Challenge 2018

Congratulations to San Francisco Bay Area for winning
the 2018 iNaturalist City Nature Challenge! Many great
observations were made around the globe. I can't help
but think that all cities are winners for characterizing
the species in their backyard and neighborhoods; more importantly,
nature comes in first place when we all come together
to discover the other species we share this planet with!

Thank you all for contributing observations and also for
helping to identify them! Lots of work!

With respect,


Posted on 04 May, 2018 19:18 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 6 comments | Leave a comment

05 May, 2018

Upcoming events showcase wildflowers, migratory birds.

The International Migratory Bird Day Field Trip will take place on Saturday, May 12, at the Shasta Valley Wildlife Area. This half day field trip will be led by local biologists and birding experts including John Alexander, executive director of the Klamath Bird Observatory, and Bob Claypole, author of "Klamath River Birdfinder." It is open to all levels of bird watchers and nature enthusiasts who are interested in learning about the amazing world of songbirds.

Posted on 05 May, 2018 11:30 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Cause Of Young, Starving Pelicans Appearing in OC and LA Counties Remains A Mystery.

HUNTINGTON BEACH (CBSLA) — Wildlife experts are trying to figure out what is happening to young, starving pelicans that have been appearing across Orange County, after more than a dozen of the sickly birds were found in the past three days.

Posted on 05 May, 2018 12:40 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

07 May, 2018

How Did Birds Lose Their Teeth And Get Their Beaks? Study Offers Clues.

Modern gulls, with their large eyes, long beaks and distinctly ancient-looking and bony faces, descended from animals such as the velociraptor and T. Rex. (Next time you get a hungry look from a seagull, remember that.) For more than a century, paleontologists have used fossils from all over the world to piece together how large, toothy, land-bound lizards evolved into flying, toothless, feathered animals.

Posted on 07 May, 2018 10:18 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

08 May, 2018

A Dozen Darling Ducklings Are Creating A Backyard Wildlife Conundrum.

They may be cute, but a team of ducklings is ruffling some feathers in Carmichael.

They hatched inside a backyard two weeks ago and have now taken up residence, making a big mess.

Posted on 08 May, 2018 10:08 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 2 comments | Leave a comment

13 May, 2018

IMAGES: Celebrating the California Brown Pelican in Photos.

Bird LA Day, scheduled for Sunday May 13, 2018, celebrates the birds you'll find in Southern California. We're featuring one of our favorites, the iconic California brown pelican. Once listed as federally endangered, its comeback is a conservation success story.

Most of the time, you'll see these highly recognizable birds over shallow waters and in sheltered bays along the coast. Groups often can be seen flying low over the water -- their throat pouches can store two gallons of water -- when they're feeding, diving head-first to catch their prey.

Posted on 13 May, 2018 08:24 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

16 May, 2018

Sick Brown Pelicans flooding San Diego rescue centers.

Local wildlife rehabilitation groups are dealing with a sudden increase in patients. Noticeably underweight Brown Pelicans are pouring into animal rescue centers, including the one at SeaWorld.

Posted on 16 May, 2018 10:37 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Rare masked booby sighted off Southern California coast, hundreds of miles from natural home.

DANA POINT — As Mark Tyson watched a flock of seagulls chase a larger white bird, he knew the latter was something he had never seen before. And, he thought, if he was right, the large seabird was hundreds, if not thousands, of miles outside of its typical range.

Posted on 16 May, 2018 10:45 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Lasers battle birds in Sonoma County vineyard.

Scarecrows, raptors and robotic facsimiles, propane cannons, reflective flags, netting — farmers have been trying all kinds of methods over the centuries to keep birds from turning their hard work into a feast just as the crop is ready for market. One North Coast grower decided to bring in the lasers.

Posted on 16 May, 2018 10:47 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

18 May, 2018

If Renewables Are So Great for the Environment, Why Do They Keep Destroying It?

Given how large the ecological impact of solar and wind farms has been, it’s surprising to remember that solar and wind still constitute just 1.3 and 6.3 percent of electricity in the U.S., and 1.3 and 3.9 percent of electricity globally.

Renewables advocates would like to see the two technologies grow exponentially — from today’s five percent globally to somewhere between 30 and 100 percent of our electricity supply.

Posted on 18 May, 2018 11:49 by biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comments | Leave a comment