Glymmatophora submetallica Stål 1855

The genus Glymmatophora ('Sculpturated' Millipede Assassin Bugs) was described by Carl Stål in 1853 (Stål, C. 1853. Nya genera bland Hemiptera. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar 10. ). 35 species of Glymmatophora are knowm from Africa. Glymmatophora submetallica Stål, 1853 is the type species of the genus.

Description by Stål 1855:
Dark steel-green; thorax, marginal spots on the abdomen, knees, tibiae and tarsi red, incisions on the thorax, the antennae and the base of the femora black. Length 19 mm, width 7 mm -
'Caffraria interior'

Female (after Horváth 1914): The whole head and the base of the femora are black. The segments of the connexivium are red with a black basal spot. The anterior lobe of the pronotum is marked with a black median vitta which is apically broader.

Type photo:

iNat observation:

Horváth, G. 1914. Reduviidae novae Africanae. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 12: 109–145.
Key to females:

Posted on 07 May, 2024 09:20 by traianbertau traianbertau


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