Mecistes tarsalis Chapuis, 1874

Diagnosis from Zoia 2009: Legs black/metallic blue (not with reddish tibiae), sometimes with bronze or geenish reflections. Antennae black with articles 2 to 6 partially reddish. Elytra: punctures irregular, not or poorly arranged in longitudinal rows, in places separated by smooth logitudinal costae; each elytron with a longitudinal costa, starting from the humerus and almost reaching the elytral apex; elytral setae sparse, yellowish or whitish in colour, curved.

Original description in:
Chaphuis, F. 1874 - Tome dixième. Famille des Phytophages. In: Lacordaire T. & Chapuis F., Histoire
naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Paris: I-IV
Figure 3:

Redescription & figures in:
Zoia, S. 2009. A revision of the genus Mecistes (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae). Memorie della Società entomologica italiana 88(1)

Distribution: South Africa , Botswana, possibly Namibia, DR Congo
Type locality: 'Cafrerie'

iNat observation:

Posted on 06 May, 2024 10:45 by traianbertau traianbertau


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