Eristalinus (Eristalinus) euzonus (Loew 1858)

Original description in:
Loew, H. 1858. Bidrag till kannedomen om Afrikas Diptera [part]. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskapsakademiens Förhandlingar 14[1857]:
Face greyish-pollinose, with a median black streak, shortened above; antennae black, the third joint round; thorax yellowish-hairy, scutellum fulvous, yellow-hairy. The abdomen of the male is very often black with the first segment and the base of the second, the following segments pale ferrugineous-rufous, the last segments darker brown; the abdomen of the female is shiny black, with three yellow bands on the second third and fourth segments, the band on the second segment are laterally widened, the bands on the third and forth segmens are equal and complete, covered very densely with yellow-white tomentum; the posterior margin of the fourth segment is marked with a yellowish-white band; the fifth segment of the female's basal band is very narrowly interrupted and white; the genitals of the male are black and shiny. Wings hyaline with a minute brown stigma.

Type locality: Cape of Good Hope

A very detailled description of the male's and female's abdominal pattern can be found in Loew 1860. Die Dipteren-Fauna Südafrika's 1. Abt

Bezzi described a variety andersoni which is treated as a proper species in recent publications.

Distribution: Kenya, Tanzania, Congo, South Africa

iNat observation:

Posted on 10 May, 2024 07:33 by traianbertau traianbertau


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