Journal archives for June 2023

01 June, 2023

Pollinators of Wild Blackberries in Northern Illinois 2023

This journal is part of a field study to identify what species of wild bees are pollinating our food crops.

The following data is a Species Count of bees that were observed pollinating wild blackberries (Rubus) in Winnebago County Illinois. Observations were conducted from May 25-May 29, at 9 different locations: 8 forest preserves and 1 undeveloped rural residential lot. Sites were only surveyed once.

13 different species were observed. The rural residential lot had the most diversity with 9 species, compared to 5 species, or fewer, at each of the forest preserves.

Pollinating Bees
Andrena Crataegi (Hawthorns Mining Bee)
Andrena Dunningi (Dunnings Miner)
Andrena Nasonii (Nasons Mining Bee)
Andrena Vicina (Neighborly Mining Bee)
Andrena Wilkella (Wilkes Mining Bee)
Apis Mellifera (Western Honey Bee)
Augochlorella Pura (Pure Gold Sweat Bee)

Bombus Auricomus (Black and Gold Bumble Bee)
Bombus Bimaculatus (Two Spot Bumble Bee)
Bombus Impatiens (Common Eastern Bumble Bee)
Bombus Rufocinctus (Red Belted Bumble Bee)
Ceratina (Small Carpenter Bee)
Halictus Ligatus (Ligated Furrow Bee)

Posted on 01 June, 2023 13:50 by wmct276 wmct276 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

13 June, 2023
