Journal archives for May 2023

31 May, 2023

Flowers Visited by Bombus Pensylvanicus In Illinois

433 Bombus pensylvanicus were observed by 176 observers on iNaturalist; in Illinois prior to 2023. The following data is a list of flowers that the bees were observed on. The purpose of the data is to help people identify which flowers to plant in their yard (or preserve) for Bombus pensylvanicus, and to increase their awareness of what flowers the bees might be found on when searching for B.pensylvanicus in the wild.

Posted on 31 May, 2023 17:51 by wmct276 wmct276 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Pollinators of Highbush Blueberries in Illinois 2023

There has been a worldwide growing concern to save the bees, but most of that concern is directed towards saving honeybees. Honey bees are credited for pollinating our crops, but they are not the only bee that is pollinating. In May 2023, I did a daily species count to identify what species of bees are pollinating the blueberry bushes in my urban garden. Survey was taken on 8 blueberry bushes; 6 bluecrop and 2 northlands

Posted on 31 May, 2023 21:23 by wmct276 wmct276 | 0 comments | Leave a comment
