Journal archives for September 2018

03 September, 2018

Sept 1 2018: Walk at Pasir Ris Mangrove and Park, Singapore, with the Naked Hermit Crabs

Family went for a walk organised in the evening at Pasir Ris Park and Mangroves. Thunder was heard but the lightning and rain did not appear to affect the walk.

It started with a look at a Tiger orchid, followed by a walk through the mangrove where a nipah palm was shown to the group. An Oriental Whip Snake was also spotted during the walk.

The walk was then bought to the park to observe a Spotted Wood Owl and then to the beach area for a look at the mangrove and beach organisms living near the sea. A number of water monitors (both adults and juveniles) were spotted as well as a nesting colony of grey herons at Pasir Ris chalets and a Striated Heron on a bridge.

The walk then ended but this observation ends with a sighting of some Jungle Fowl (a cock with two hens) and a seldom seen spotting of a butterfly moth.

Posted on 03 September, 2018 07:16 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 20 observations | 1 comment | Leave a comment