Journal archives for August 2018

11 August, 2018

August 11 2018: Toddycats walk at Windsor Nature Park

The walk was organised by Toddycats and consists of a small group of observers which managed to spot numerous animals, plants and fungi including:

  • two Colugos (one a female with an infant)
  • dragonfiles and damselflies
  • squirrels
  • birds (Drongo and Tit-Babbler)
  • skinks and flying dragons (Draco sp.)
  • butterflies
  • insects (flies, beetles, cockroaches, wasps, bees, etc.)
  • spiders

  • trees (rambutan, jack fruit)

  • An interesting walk showing some of the diversity found in a secondary forest.

    Posted on 11 August, 2018 10:04 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 51 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment