01 December, 2018

Observations at Fraser's Hill, Malaysia: 18 - 21 Nov 2018

Over the four days at Fraser's Hill, the family saw numerous spiders, insects, invertebates, birds and the occasional snake and mammal.

Observations are mainly taken at the Jalan Peninjau loop (day and night observations) with other observations at Jalan Mager and Jalan Richmond.

The family enjoyed the trip to Fraser's Hill, despite the rain on the first few days.

Posted on 01 December, 2018 09:22 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 236 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

13 November, 2018

11 November 2018: Love MacRitchie Walk by Toddycats - Venus Loop and Windsor Nature Pak

Family went for a walk organised by the Toddycats at Windsor Nature Park. The walk was along the Venus Loop and was generally overcast, so few butterflies were seen.

However, there was plenty of other things to see, from native and invasive plants to fungus, various spiders and insects, squirrels, a frog, dragonflies and, near the end of the walk, a rare spotting of the Gold-ringed Cat Snake.

Posted on 13 November, 2018 09:15 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 40 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

03 September, 2018

Sept 1 2018: Walk at Pasir Ris Mangrove and Park, Singapore, with the Naked Hermit Crabs

Family went for a walk organised in the evening at Pasir Ris Park and Mangroves. Thunder was heard but the lightning and rain did not appear to affect the walk.

It started with a look at a Tiger orchid, followed by a walk through the mangrove where a nipah palm was shown to the group. An Oriental Whip Snake was also spotted during the walk.

The walk was then bought to the park to observe a Spotted Wood Owl and then to the beach area for a look at the mangrove and beach organisms living near the sea. A number of water monitors (both adults and juveniles) were spotted as well as a nesting colony of grey herons at Pasir Ris chalets and a Striated Heron on a bridge.

The walk then ended but this observation ends with a sighting of some Jungle Fowl (a cock with two hens) and a seldom seen spotting of a butterfly moth.

Posted on 03 September, 2018 07:16 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 20 observations | 1 comment | Leave a comment

11 August, 2018

August 11 2018: Toddycats walk at Windsor Nature Park

The walk was organised by Toddycats and consists of a small group of observers which managed to spot numerous animals, plants and fungi including:

  • two Colugos (one a female with an infant)
  • dragonfiles and damselflies
  • squirrels
  • birds (Drongo and Tit-Babbler)
  • skinks and flying dragons (Draco sp.)
  • butterflies
  • insects (flies, beetles, cockroaches, wasps, bees, etc.)
  • spiders

  • trees (rambutan, jack fruit)

  • An interesting walk showing some of the diversity found in a secondary forest.

    Posted on 11 August, 2018 10:04 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 51 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    03 June, 2018

    Tampines Eco-Green Night Walk, 2 June 2017

    The Herpetological Society of Singapore organised a night walk at the Tampines Eco-Green.

    The large group managed to observe various herps (frogs, snakes) while the family personally observed various invertebrates (including sleeping butterflies) and some birds in the evening at the start of the walk.

    This journal entry includes all the observations taken that night. Curiously it starts with observation of birds (Bulbul, Waterhen and Kingfisher) and ends with a bird: a Nightjar spotted via its eye shine.

    Posted on 03 June, 2018 08:40 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 43 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    17 December, 2017

    Tampines Eco-Green Night Walk, 2 Dec 2017

    A night walk with members of the Nature Society (Singapore) at Tampines Eco-Green, featuring a number of children, excited to be on the walk.

    Quite a number of frogs were spotted during the walk, as well as spider and other insects. Other highlights of the walk include bats (photos not taken), a sleeping bird and a snake, which was caught, handled carefully and then released.

    A Nightjar was also spotted but flew away before photos could be taken.

    Posted on 17 December, 2017 09:32 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 29 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    10 December, 2017

    Monteverde Butterfly Gardens, Costa Rica. 14 Nov 2017

    Observations at Monteverde Butterfly Gardens. All butterflies, insects, invertebrates and the frog observed here are cultivated or captured.

    The spiders in this observation were found at the Gardens but are probably residents at the Garden, not captured.

    Posted on 10 December, 2017 03:07 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 16 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve. 14 Nov 2017

    Observations during a day trip at the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve. It was a rainy and overcast day, so no butterflies were observed. Instead, observations were made of mainly plants and fungi and some invertebrates.

    Highlights of the trip include a Collared Redstart (Myioborus torquatus) who was willing to approach quite close to the path and a leaf mantis that was found on a small tree and helpfully pointed out by a staff.

    Posted on 10 December, 2017 03:01 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 10 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    Spirogyra Butterfly Garden, San Jose, Costa Rica - 9 Nov 2017

    Observations at the Spirogyra Butterfly Garden. A first look some of the wonderful butterflies of Costa Rica.

    The butterflies observed here are captured or cultivated. The other observations of the birds and spider were done on the grounds or in the forest outside the garden itself.

    Posted on 10 December, 2017 02:54 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 13 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

    09 December, 2017

    The University of Georgia Costa Rica Campus San Luis de Monteverde, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. 13-17 Nov, 2017

    Observations made at the University of Georgia, Costa Rica Campus. Mainly consist of insects (butterflies, moths, beetles, bugs), spiders, some birds, plants, mammals and a frog.

    Moths were mainly observed outside the chalet we were staying in at night, attracted by the porch light or bathroom light. Some insects were also observed at the chalet, including a nice looking leaf mantis. A tarantula hawk was also observed and captured in the chalet toilet.

    Butterflies and other insects were observed around the campus or during guided walks: one along a nature path and one during a night walk. Others were observed during a short entomology course where insects were captured and either released or kept as samples by the entomology department. A sphinx moth was among those captured and released during the course.

    There were at least two resident Rufous-tailed Hummingbirds on the campus ground, both guarding their respective flowering bushes (nectar sources). Both were observed taking nectar from flowers or guarding them from other birds and butterflies by chasing them away.

    Posted on 09 December, 2017 10:07 by sohkamyung sohkamyung | 116 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment