Journal archives for November 2021

01 November, 2021

Just one pangolin (Smutsia temminckii) remains to emulate the cantilevered bipedal walking of the dinosaurs

Many of the large animals of the Mesozoic ( walked with cantilevered bipedality. Why is it that the only animal locomoting this way today is one species of pangolin?

Our human bias makes it easy to assume that bipedality is, per se, a meaningful category of posture and locomotion. Actually, bipedality is so heterogeneous that using it as an overall description can be misleading (see and and

When the torso is held horizontal, balanced by head and neck on one side and tail on the other, this forms a level beam pivoting on the hind limbs (( Balance is maintained - despite the instability of just two supporting feet - because the mass of the beam anterior to the hips equals that posterior to the hips.

Of course, this needs a sufficiently long and massive tail. However, the potential adaptive advantage is economical walking, because moving one pair of limbs costs less energy than moving two.

Keeping cantilevered balance while running should be relatively easy for the same reason that riding a bicycle hands-off is easier at some speed than slowly. It is the animals able to keep anterior/posterior balance while walking bipedally that are of particular interest.

Cantilevered bipedality is so different from upright (mainly human) bipedality that the two modes have little in common beyond the weight being placed solely on the hind feet.

In Mesozoic times, cantilevered bipedality was pervasive. It evolved independently in at least two major clades of 'dinosaurs' (, the saurischians and the ornithischians, that configured the hips in different ways.

It also occurred over a wide range of families and body sizes, and including flying, feathered forms ( and Even some sauropods (, although walking on all four limbs, probably held the tail horizontal to balance the long neck (

Today, various lizards can run bipedally (, but none walks with cantilevered bipedality.

Birds differ categorically from theropods ( in the bony tail being so short (, with any long caudal feathers so light (, that a cantilever is out of the question.

In this sense birds - despite being the descendants of theropods - are posturally in a category of their own. No bird walks with cantilevered bipedality, the emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) perhaps coming closest ( because it is odd in depositing fat on its tail.

Various mammals have independently evolved towards emphasis of the hind limbs, but few of them walk bipedally.

Some rodents (e.g., lagomorphs and macropodid marsupials hop slowly instead of walking, using gaits unknown in the Mesozoic, or 'walk' by moving first the fore and then the hind feet synchronously (

Few bipedally-inclined mammals other than kangaroos have tails massive enough to act as cantilevers. And kangaroos - far from walking bipedally - cumbersomely use all fours plus the muscular tail as a fifth limb (

Ground sloths ( had a bipedal tendency, but it is unlikely that they walked with cantilevered bipedality. Their tails were muscular enough to act as a prop but not long or massive enough to act as a cantilever (e.g. see

The same applies to the extant giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus, and

The only living mammal known to use cantilevered bipedality as its most frequent mode of walking is the second largest-bodied of the eight species of pangolins: the Cape pangolin (Smutsia temminckii, see and and and and second photo in

In all species of pangolins the tails are unusually heavy, partly because they are exceptionally armoured and partly because they are, in arboreal species, exceptionally long (and prehensile). Furthermore, the fore claws of pangolins are so prominent that they tend to obstruct walking on the fore feet.

Since all pangolins have particularly economical metabolism and walk slowly, all are candidates for cantilevered bipedality.

However, the small species of pangolins walk on all fours, in some cases placing weight on the knuckles instead of the sole or claws. The smallest species of all (see is so arboreally specialised that it rarely walks on the ground in the first place.

The giant pangolin (Smutsia gigantea) is probably capable of bipedal walking but seems usually to use all fours, possibly because its tail has a different proportional size to that of the Cape pangolin, and its fore limbs are particularly muscular.

This leaves - seemingly almost by accident - the Cape pangolin ( as an afterthought of a mode of locomotion which once ruled the terrestrial world.

Posted on 01 November, 2021 02:20 by milewski milewski | 7 comments | Leave a comment

02 November, 2021

Sonchus oleraceus: undomesticated but perfect for human consumption?

For the last 30 years, Sonchus oleraceus ( has been an important - and perhaps the healthiest - part of my diet.

This herbaceous member of the daisy family is a common weed ( near my home, which has a mediterranean-type climate. The only way I have eaten it is pre-hominid, simply plucking the green leaves ( and chewing them raw on the spot. I do not accept the flowers, even in the form of the buds.

I usually eat about 50 leaves at a time, on average several times per week during the cool and rainy half of the year. That totals about 5,000 leaves per year, with a break in the summer and autumn when S. oleraceus is largely unavailable.

I value salad in my diet, but I have found S. oleraceus so reliable and satisfactory that I have not bought any leafy greens from any sort of shop for the last 15 years. I simply browse when I am out and about, finding my favourite weed easily near sidewalks and in neglected gardens and vacant lots in this metropolitan area.

Herbicides are frequently used to kill weeds here, but it has been easy to find unsprayed plants, and in all these years I have never had the slightest negative reaction from my herbivory.

The leaves are less fibrous than those of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale,, which is scarcer here because of its preference for slightly neglected but frequently watered lawns). However, they are similarly bitterish and moderately astringent. I eat S. oleraceus not for its taste but for its salubrious effects.

The genera Sonchus and Lactuca both have a tendency for the leaves to be somewhat prickly. Sonchus oleraceus can be thought of as a 'relaxed thistle', in which the potentiality for prickliness is seldom realised and the leaves are therefore palatable.

Sonchus has hardly been subjected to selective breeding ( and, but it presents, in its weedy natural form, something approaching the perfect leafy green from the viewpoint of human health.

At times over the past decades I have grown chicory leaves ( in my garden, as a closely-related but somewhat selectively bred alternative to S. oleraceus. I have also taken trouble to establish another weedy daisy more associated with the tropics, namely Bidens pilosa ( and and, as an annual volunteer in my garden. However, both attempts failed: in the case of Cichorium because the plants require too much care and in the case of B. pilosa because the shoots turn out to be too rich in kidney-irritating oxalates (of which S. oleraceus seems blissfully free).

Sonchus oleraceus remains so underappreciated in human diets that, in my decades of gratefully consuming it and recommending it to others in health-conscious circles, I have never seen it eaten by even one other person.

However, in my personal experience: my everyday environment has presented me with a choice of two species of weedy daisies - one a nominal thistle and the other the prototype for lettuce - originally indigenous to the same parts of Eurasia and gone cosmopolitan in the modern world. The one that has prevailing in my diet, so far, is the one that has not been domesticated but could hardly have been improved even if it had.

Posted on 02 November, 2021 08:55 by milewski milewski | 7 comments | Leave a comment

04 November, 2021

The mystery of the missing mycorrhizae

Everyone knows that the roots of most plants have an intimate mutualism with fungi, and that the invisible mycorrhizae formed in this way help plants to extract nutrients from soils ( and

However, how many realise that some of these associations are more powerful than others, and that the most powerful mycorrhizae were naturally absent from regions where herbivores are naturally most abundant?

For example, one of the puzzles of global biogeography is that South Africa was virtually devoid of 'supermycorrhizae' common elsewhere in the world.

How did this come about?

Most mycorrhizal fungi have microscopic hyphae. However, ectotrophic mycorrhizae - or ectomycorrhizae for short - can be macroscopic ( and are particularly powerful metabolically. Whereas in other mycorrhizae the fungal cells merely infiltrate the roots, in ectomycorrhizae they form a mycelium actually replacing root tissue. Furthermore, hyphae originating at the roots reach up above the soil surface, breaking down litter such as fallen twigs by oxidising them.

It is from these 'supermycorrhizae' that most wild mushrooms and truffles (both edible and toxic) grow as reproductive structures ( This means that even those naturalists ignorant about microbiology have seen, and may have eaten, ectomycorrhizal fungi ( and and

That ectomycorrhizae are effectively 'supermicorrhizae' is evident in the fact that many of the fastest-growing trees useful to humans, such as pines, oaks, poplars, eucalypts, dipterocarps and casuarinas (, depend on these associations. Most of the timber and paper we use comes from plantations nourished via ectomycorrhizal mutualisms.

Africa includes vast areas of miombo woodland (, dominated by ectomycorrhizal trees ( However, the only species penetrating South Africa are two species of Brachystegia (restricted to a few marginal locations,, one species of Afzelia (sparsely distributed in the north of the country,, and perhaps Manilkara.

Although most of South Africa lies at the same latitudes as lands dominated by ectomycorrhizal trees such as pines, oaks and eucalypts, it naturally lacked ecological counterparts for these trees. Ectomycorrhizae were even absent from South African species of the genera Salix and Myrica, which are ectomycorrhizal elsewhere.

The lack of ectomycorrhizae in South Africa is consistent with the odd treelessness ( and of this country under mediterranean-type and semi-arid climates, where the dominant plants are heath-like shrubs belonging to families (e.g. Asteraceae) and genera (e.g. Erica) unassociated with this type of mutualism.

By contrast, ectomycorrhizae are common in similar climates in Australia (, even where trees are scarce. For example, in mesic heathlands ectomycorrhizal Myrtaceae include small shrubs (e.g. see And in semi-arid scrub some of the acacias in Australia are ectomycorrhizal.

Part of the explanation may be the abundance - even by African standards - of indigenous herbivores in South Africa.

Worldwide, vegetation dominated by ectomycorrhizal plants tends to have sparse populations of herbivores, an obvious example being the boreal forest - where spruces, firs, larches, alders, willows and birches are all ectomycorrhizal.

There is likely to be a fundamental incompatibility between the nutrient-recycling regime associated with faeces and urine, and that associated with fungal decay. The former emphasises bacteria and anaerobic decomposition conserving organic matter in the soil, whereas the latter emphasises macroscopic 'white rot' and aerobic decomposition in which organic matter is wasted.

And a previously overlooked link in any explanation of the biogeographical anomaly is as follows:

South Africa is one of the few lands on Earth where fungus-culturing termites (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae: Odontotermes, and penetrate temperate climates. These insects feed litter, including coarse faeces of herbivores, to underground cultures of the fungus Termitomyces. The fungal culture produces small food-bodies eaten by the termites as well as unusually large mushrooms eaten by humans, and the rapidly recycled nutrients act as fertiliser.

Fungus-culturing termites, by removing surface litter, effectively extend the realm of herbivory at the expense of the sort of decomposition that would favour 'supermycorrhizae'. Whereas ectomycorrhizal fungi promote trees, the fungi mutualistic with macrotermitines are equally powerful in promoting a different form of recycling of nutrients, which favours grasses and herbivores.

In summary:

South Africa was - until the anthropogenic establishment of trees introduced from other continents - unsuitable for ectomycorrhizae. And part of the reason may be that it was the only land on Earth combining temperate climates with a regime of consumption of plant material in which diverse large herbivores, together with various termites operating beyond the usual roles of such insects, precluded the nutritional regime essential to ectomycorrhizae.

Posted on 04 November, 2021 11:29 by milewski milewski | 12 comments | Leave a comment

06 November, 2021

Caesalps on southern continents, part 1

Africa, South America and Australia are all southern continents ( and, but they differ biogeographically.

Africa broadly straddles the equator and has always been connected to Eurasia. South America was formerly isolated, but is now connected via North America. Australia remains an isolated southern landmass, an island continent.

Africa has a balance of wet and dry environments, South America has extensive wetness, and Australia has extensive drought (

The comparative biogeography of various families of animals, plants, fungi, and algae on the southern continents is of obvious interest. Here I investigate the caesalps (including both and, a major category of mainly woody and mainly tropical plants capable of dominating vegetation - but with seemingly unpredictable ecological patterns.

I realise that, among the legumes, the pea (Fabaceae) and mimosa (Mimosaceae) families are the clearly-defined ones and 'Caesalpiniaceae' refers to what is really a heterogeneous assemblage of 'other legumes' ( and and However, I think we can learn something interesting about biogeography by categorising the non-pea and non-mimosa legumes as caesalps.

With this caveat in mind, caesalps are surprisingly different in their incidence among our three continents. By incidence I mean the size of the plants and the proportion they occupy in the vegetation.

In a series of four Posts, I will sketch the respective floras of caesalps from this ecological viewpoint. I will then try to explain the overall pattern: major in Africa but minor in Australia, with South America intermediate.

All legumes tend to have nutritional niches in which the supply of the protein-forming element, nitrogen, is supplemented from sources other than the soil. What sets caesalps apart from other legumes is that they are the least likely of the three families to form nodules on their roots, in which bacteria symbiotically fix atmospheric nitrogen.

Of the three southern continents, it is Australia that has the least incidence of caesalps.

About 18 genera are indigenous (, but most of these have failed to penetrate the most extensive vegetation types in Australia, and those that have done so tend to consist of small plants despite the drought-tolerance of trees on this continent ( Furthermore, it is the cosmopolitan genera of caesalps that tend to be prominent in Australia (Senna, Cassia, Chamaecrista, Bauhinia, Caesalpinia).

The few genera of caesalps restricted to Australia (e.g. Petalostylis, Labichea, Barklya and are ecologically unimportant in the sense of being small plants making minor contributions to the vegetation.

Several genera are restricted to tropical rainforest, which covers only a small proportion of this continent. Most of these (e.g. Cynometra, Crudia, Maniltoa, Sindora, Storckiella) occur in tropical Asia and have only marginally penetrated Australia. However, it is noteworthy that Cassia grows to the size of a tree adjacent to rainforest in Australia.

The only genera of caesalps which qualify as dominating any vegetation in Australia are Senna (e.g. and and perhaps Lysiphyllum ( and and However, Senna in Australia forms shrubs rather than trees, and possesses nitrogen-fixing nodules; and plants of Lysiphyllum are small for trees.

The genus Erythrophleum ( and and occurs mainly in Africa, and the genus Peltophorum ( occurs mainly in South America. Both have a minor incidence in tropical Australia.

The only genus recorded to be ectomycorrhizal is Intsia ( and, which has an extremely restricted incidence in rainforest in Australia (

In summary, the incidence of caesalps in Australia is slight in several ways. Those species growing as large plants make only a slight contribution to the canopy where they occur. Most of the tree species have penetrated Australia only slightly. And most of the species deeply penetrating the continent are slight in the sense of being shrubs, dominant over only small areas, and replaced successionally by trees belonging to families other than caesalps.

To be continued...

Posted on 06 November, 2021 11:06 by milewski milewski | 16 comments | Leave a comment

07 November, 2021

Caesalps on southern continents, part 2

Having examined caesalps in Australia, let us turn to South America, where tree-dominated vegetation is most extensively rainforest (see but also includes large areas of woodland and savanna.

Caesalps have a far greater incidence In South America than in Australia. However, they are not dominant in the vegetation, with a few exceptions such as Mora ( and Dicymbe (

Shrubby/weedy genera are common, e.g. Caesalpinia, Senna (which includes trees in South America,, Erythrostemon and Chamaecrista.

Many genera form trees, e.g. Libidibia (, Schizolobium (, Copaifera (, Hymenaea (, Eperua ( and Pterogyne ( In the case of several species of Tachigali, the trees can reach up to 40 metres.

Caesalps in the form of trees are present in many vegetation types. However, as in Australia, those types of woodland or savanna that are dominated by legumes tend to favour Mimosaceae (e.g. see

Some examples of genera according to the various ecosystems are as follows:

Ectomycorrizal mutualisms have been recorded in Dicymbe, Eperua and Gleditsia ( and Fixation of nitrogen in nodules has been recorded in Dimorphandra and Tachigali, the latter being remarkable because this nutritional mode is not usually associated with genera capable of growing into such large trees. The following gives further information on the nutritional modes:

To be continued...

Posted on 07 November, 2021 06:14 by milewski milewski | 6 comments | Leave a comment

08 November, 2021

Caesalps on southern continents, part 3

Having covered Australia and South America, let us turn to Africa, where caesalps dominate some of the most extensive types of vegetation, and characterise important ecosystems ( and and and and

Much of tropical Africa is covered by woodlands and savannas dominated collectively by the caesalps Brachystegia (, Julbernardia ( and Isoberlinia (, all of which are ectomycorrhizal.

Extensive savanna in tropical southern Africa is dominated by Colophospermum ( and, which is not ectomycorrhizal.

Minor areas are dominated by the small trees Baikiaea ( and and Burkea ( and and and

Tropical rainforest is in places dominated by Gilbertiodendron (, Julbernardia and Cryptosepalum (, all of which are ectomycorrhizal, and possibly also Baikiaea (, Cynometra and Tetraberlinia (

Tropical rainforest elsewhere contains Anthonotha (, Berlinia (, Microberlinia (, Aphanocalyx (, Paramacrolobium (, Didelotia and Afzelia (, all of which are also ectomycorrhizal ( and despite failing to dominate the canopy.

Dialium occurs as a minor component of equatorial rainforest in Africa (e.g., as it does in South America.

As on the other southern continents, there are shrubby/weedy caesalps in the genera Cassia, Senna, Chamaecrista, Piliostigma and Bauhinia ( In addition there is Pterolobium ( and, which does not occur on the other southern continents.

Caesalps in the form of large shrubs or small trees occur in semi-deserts in Africa, e.g. Parkinsonia (shared with South America), Ceratonia ( and Dialium ( and and

Guibourtia in the form of trees ( and extends to extratropical southern Africa, as a minor part of the vegetation, as do small trees of Schotia ( and Peltophorum. However, the only ectomycorrhizal caesalp that extends considerably into South Africa is Afzelia quanzensis.

To be continued...

Posted on 08 November, 2021 00:04 by milewski milewski | 3 comments | Leave a comment

Caesalps on southern continents, part 4

In this series of four posts I have summarised the incidence of caesalps according to the size of individual plants and their appropriation of the canopy, averaged over the entirety of each continent.

This crude estimation suffices to show that the southern continents differ by two orders of magnitude in the incidence of legumes other than peas and mimosas: about tenfold greater in South America than in Australia, and about tenfold greater again in Africa than in South America.

This variation is particularly surprising in view of the fact that various genera (e.g. Hymenaea, Cynometra, Copaifera, Erythrophleum, Bauhinia, Piliostigma, Crudia, Senna, Parkinsonia, Dialium) are indigenous to more than one of these continents.

The incidence of ectomycorrhizal ( caesalps varies in the same direction and by similar orders of magnitude, suggesting that the prevalence of caesalps in Africa is linked to a mode of supplementation targeting not only nitrogen but also other nutrient elements.

The intercontinental differences are not merely the result of the drought of Australia and the wetness of South America. Instead, they apply even within categories of climate and arborescence.

Taking tropical savannas for example: in Australia the dominant trees tend to be ectomycorrhizal Myrtaceae (eucalypts), with caesalps relegated to a minor incidence and lacking ectomycorrhizae. By contrast, in Africa the dominant trees tend to be ectomycorrhizal caesalps, of which Brachystegia is representative.

So, if the intercontinental variation ultimately reflects environmental differences, what could these be?

Well, Africa is the continent on which there is the greatest incidence of large herbivores, which has implications for the cycling of crucial nutrients such as phosphorus and zinc ( and

It also differs from South America and Australia in the occurrence of fungus-culturing termites (see, which are the most powerful recyclers of nutrients among the social insects.

Furthermore, the three continents form a series w.r.t. the histories of anthropogenic influence on the cycling of nutrients. The human species has farmed in tropical Africa for most of the last ten thousand years, whereas there was no farming in Australia until Europeans settled. As in various other aspects both ecological and biotic, South America is intermediate.

Miombo woodland and other caesalp-dominated vegetation in Africa has been affected continually by proboscideans. The bush elephant (Loxodonta africana) and other large herbivores were hardly affected by the spate of megafaunal extinctions which wiped out proboscideans from the Americas by ten thousand years ago. Although practised in tropical South America for at least five thousand years, farming seems not to have affected the main types of woodland and savanna (llanos, caatinga, chaco, cerrado), leaving these vegetation types largely unaffected by both shifting cultivation ( and all herbivores heavier than 100 kg.

Because woodlands dominated by ectomycorrhizal caesalps usually occur on relatively nutrient-poor soils, the role of fungus-culturing termites (particularly Macrotermes, may be crucial. These termites concentrate trace elements in their mounds (, which can form patches of sufficient fertility to grow crops. This advantage sets Africa apart from the other two continents and perhaps helps to explain the antiquity and extent of shifting cultivation and the adaptation of caesalps to an anthropogenic regime on a large scale.

Miombo woodland and its equivalent north of the equator are so resilient from slash-and-burn cultivation ( that these vegetation types can be seen as, in some sense, anthropogenic (,agriculture%20practiced%20throughout%20northern%20Zambia.). Disturbance by humans and large herbivores may be integral to the dominance of caesalps.

What looks like pristine woodland may actually be the 'climax' of a successional cycle in which the trees are intermittently broken down by physical means, and their eventual regeneration is facilitated by the patchy suppression of wildfires carried out by farmers and gregarious herbivores.

Posted on 08 November, 2021 07:43 by milewski milewski | 2 comments | Leave a comment

17 November, 2021

Could Gleditsia have been made by megafungi as well as megaherbivores?

Among leguminous woody plants, mimosas (Mimosaceae) are far more likely than caesalps (see to be favourite foods of large herbivores. Accordingly, it is mimosas, not caesalps, that tend to possess large spines.

However, the genus Gleditsia ( is exceptional among caesalps (see in the degree to which it looks and acts like a member of the mimosas (

Gleditsia has extremely large spines ( and ( and and
and and, as well as small leaflets, flowers lacking obvious petals, and fruits functionally similar to those of mimosas such as that widespread 'acacia', Vachellia nilotica (

Implicit in this convergence with mimosas is that nutritional modes will have likewise converged: we can expect Gleditsia to be adapted to exploit nutrients recycled in urine and faeces, while at the same time fixing atmospheric nitrogen.

It comes as a surprise, therefore, that Gleditsia not only lacks nitrogen-fixing nodules but is listed as possessing ectomycorrhizae (see These macroscopic fungal root-extensions are rare among mimosas ( and antithetical to the nutritional strategy typical of mimosas.

Because the largest mycorrhizal fungi tend to be associated with the roots of plants unattractive to large herbivores, and to promote nutritional regimes antagonistic to herbivory, Gleditsia presents a puzzle. Is its nutritional strategy really similar to those of caesalps which are neither attractive as food for herbivores, nor spinescent (

If it really is ectomycorrhizal, Gleditsia is unique in combining some of the largest stem-protecting spines and some of the largest root-assisting fungi.

I cannot resolve this question because I have yet to find the original paper reporting ectomycorrhizae in Gleditsia. However, I can further explain spinescence in the context of ectomycorrhizal plants generally.

Spines, thorns and prickles vary greatly in their size, the part of the plant from which they are derived, and their adaptive functions. The large spines of many species of 'acacias' (now genus Vachellia) are derived from stipules (e.g.

The largest spines derived from stipules and stems of dicotyledonous plants serve to control the foraging of the largest herbivores. This control should not be confused with deterrence, because plants with large spines are likely to be promoted by regimes of intense herbivory that recycle nutrients via faeces and urine while retarding competing plants. The function of these large spines is not to prevent loss of foliage as much as to protect the crucial regenerative organs/tissues, such as shoots and cambium, in the interests of plant and herbivore alike.

Spines have been established to occur in several genera of ectomycorrhizal plants, but they are of a different kind, compatible with a nutritional regime marginalising large herbivores.

The boreal conifer Picea (, the Australian pea Gastrolobium (, and several Mediterranean and Californian species of oaks Quercus ( are ectomycorrhizal and possess leaf-spines similar to that familiar plant, holly (

Leaf-spinescent plants are basically different from stem- or stipule-spinescent plants in that the leaves are too sclerophyllous (rigidly fibrous and lignified) to be particularly attractive to herbivores in the first place. They generally occur in ecosystems poor in large herbivores, where the main consumer of plant matter is episodic wildfires ( The spines can be thought of as an extension of the unpalatability of the leaves themselves, rather than a means of collaboration with herbivores as seem in spinescent 'acacias'.

Spinescence in ectomycorrhizal plants can therefore be summarised as follows:

In general, ectomycorrhizal plants lack spines, which is unsurprising because the nutritional regimes to which they are adapted are unsuitable for large herbivores. Those ectomycorrhizal species possessing spines tend to have a form of spinescence (i.e. leaf-spinescence) associated with limited herbivory. The stem-spinescence of Gleditsia is so unusual among ectomycorrhizal plants, and the association of Gleditsia with large herbivores is so obvious, that it calls into question the very claim that Gleditsia possesses ectomycorrhizae.

Posted on 17 November, 2021 00:47 by milewski milewski | 9 comments | Leave a comment

18 November, 2021

The puzzle of conspicuous pallor in a Sahelian giraffe, part 1

Does anyone doubt that, in general, the colouration of giraffes is a form of camouflage?

The flags which I have described (see hardly negate this generalisation, because they are subsidiary features.

However, one subspecies of giraffe has overall colouration so conspicuously pale that it does seem to mean a partial negation ( and

I refer to Giraffa camelopardalis peralta ( and and of the western Sahel.

The particular pallor of Giraffa camelopardalis peralta is owing mainly to the breadth of the whitish 'matrix' among the blotches (see and

This differs from any pale overall effect in the form of giraffe inhabiting the edge of the Namib desert in southern Africa, which is owing mainly to fading of the blotches themselves and does not particularly affect the head or legs (Giraffa giraffa angolensis, see and

The following photos of the most pallid individuals show how the camouflage effect has been compromised in Giraffa camelopardalis peralta in its current habitat. Although a corollary of the pallor is that the auricular and pedal flags are reduced, the caudal flag is if anything enhanced, because the tail-tassel remains black in all individuals.

Can it not be said that G. c. peralta has, in evolutionary terms, switched from inconspicuous colouration to conspicuous colouration? The mechanism has been a quantitative shift (mainly an encroachment of the pale matrix relative to the blotching), but the effect seems qualitative.

If so, this seems convergent with the conspicuous pallor of three other gregarious ruminants of the southern fringes of the Sahara, as exemplified by the following views of Oryx dammah: and

Oryx dammah (, Addax nasomaculatus and Nanger dama ruficollis ( all inhabited the vicinity of the Sahara, with O. dammah coexisting in the Sahel with giraffes (including G. c. peralta), A. nasomaculatus penetrating the Sahara itself, and N. d. ruficollis living in the eastern Sahel (where the local form of giraffe was not as pallid). In converging on a pattern of conspicuous overall pallor, these species set an unique pattern among the arid-adapted ungulates of the world.

I realise that:

  • arid-adapted reptiles, birds, and small mammals tend to be pallid as a form of crypsis in the pale environments of deserts, particularly sandy deserts;
  • there is seasonal variation in the colouration of A. nasomaculatus and possibly also the other two bovids referred to here; and
  • hippotragins and gazelles tend to be adaptively conspicuous even in savannas, which can be partly explained by the futility of trying to hide as gregarious animals in the open.

However, ruminants in the southern African deserts and semi-deserts ( and lack the relevant pattern of colouration. In the degree of their pallor, our three bovids seem to have adapted in convergent ways to the particular conditions of the Sahara and its southern edges.

Seen in this context, does the pallor of G. c. peralta not seem to be part of a regional faunistic pattern?

The following illustrate the pallor of our three bovids, and the adaptive convergence that this represents.

Oryx dammah:

Addax nasomaculatus:

Nanger dama:

to be continued...

Posted on 18 November, 2021 11:28 by milewski milewski | 6 comments | Leave a comment

19 November, 2021

The puzzle of conspicuous pallor in a Sahelian giraffe, part 2: as opposed to masculine darkness

To understand the pallor in Giraffa camelopardalis peralta (see my last Post), it may also be useful to review the masculine darkness that occurs in most forms of giraffe.

In full maturity, male giraffes become much larger-bodied than adult females: they can weigh up to 1.5 tonnes as opposed to the average 0.8 tonnes of their mothers. They also darken and produce odours from skin glands ( and and

Darkness and smelliness are individually variable ( However, the pattern of sexual dimorphism in giraffes is such that males combine:

Estes (1991, page 203) confirms that "Rival bulls recognise and react to one another from a long way off, demonstrating the capability of long-distance communication".

The changes in males at the peak of masculinity detract from their camouflage. However, this poses no particular puzzle, because:

  • it is normal for males, particularly in sexually dimorphic species, to trade off security for sexual advantage,
  • masculine self-advertisement needs not compromise the camouflage of females and juveniles, because giraffes are only loosely gregarious and dark males tend to be solitary (, and
  • males may be less vulnerable than females to predation by day, and dark figures (although conspicuous in bright light) remain inconspicuous by night.

It is noteworthy that the various flags (see tend to remain despite the overall darkening in mature males.

Another noteworthy finding is that, in maturing males of Giraffa tippelskirchi tippelskirchi, the whole head remains pale in some individuals (e.g. and and

The following illustrate various degrees/extents of masculine darkness in various species and subspecies of giraffes:

Giraffa giraffa giraffa and and

Giraffa giraffa angolensis

Giraffa tippelskirchi tippelskirchi
scroll in and

Giraffa tippelskirchi thornicrofti

Giraffa reticulata

Giraffa camelopardalis camelopardalis

Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi

If it is true that masculine darkness is poorly-developed in G. reticulata, this is in line with the observation that this is the species of giraffe possessing the greatest uniformity in various aspects of its colouration.

We need more information for G. c. peralta. The few photos available suggest that the blotches do darken in mature males (see e.g. However, this is not enough to give the figure a dark aspect overall, because the matrix seems to remain as pale as in females and immature males.

Masculine darkness in giraffes does not necessarily contradict the idea that the conspicuous pallor of G. c. peralta of the Sahel/Sahara represents a basic adaptive shift among giraffes. It is this pallor, rather than masculine darkness, that is an important exception to any generalisation that the colouration of giraffes functions as camouflage.

Posted on 19 November, 2021 05:12 by milewski milewski | 5 comments | Leave a comment