Taxonomic Swap 134127 (Committed on 08-11-2023)

There is no Plagiochila porelloides aggregate, this is misleading and suggests a species complex.

Added by tayloria on 08 November, 2023 08:05 | Committed by tayloria on 08 November, 2023
replaced with


What was the complex composed of ? Because it would have been better to swap it into Plagiochilla porelloides (instead of Plagiochilla) to prevent data loss.

Posted by kelian_gtr 10 months ago

Someone had created the porelloides-aggregate without a taxonomic basis for it. There is no data loss. I moved the species asplenioides and porelloides back to genus-level and I included the porelloides complex to the genus Plagiochila because there are a lot of unclear determinations in the complex, that could be asplenioides or porelloides. If the aggregate no longer exists, the next higher level (of uncertainty) is the genus, not the species Plagiochila porelloides. Otherwise, some P. asplenioides observations might have been added to P. porelloides.

Posted by tayloria 10 months ago

Well, ok that's why i asked for the species composing the complex ;-) (if Plagiochilla porelloides was alone inside)

Posted by kelian_gtr 10 months ago

No, it is no longer, it is back in the genus where it belongs. ;)

Posted by tayloria 10 months ago

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