Taxonomic Swap 63594 (Committed on 03-10-2019)

Anemone × hybrida (L.H.Bailey) Makino is a synonym of the artificial hybrid Eriocapitella × hybrida (L.H.Bailey) Christenh. & Byng

The observations moved with this taxon swap are all Eriocapitella × hybrida (L.H.Bailey) Christenh. & Byng

Notes: The name Anemone hybrida Miq. ex Pritz. is also synonym of Pulsatilla halleri ssp. halleri

Most garden cultivars of Chinese or Japanese Anemone are in fact horticultural hybrids that involved Eriocapitella japonica (syn. Anemone japonica), Eriocapitella hupehensis (syn. Anemone hupehensis), Eriocapitella tomentosa (syn. Anemone tomentosa) and Eriocapitella vitifolia (Anemone vitifolia).

Even some wild growing populations, especially of Eriocapitella japonica in China are probably the result of escaped garden plants.

Added by kai_schablewski on 03 October, 2019 07:23 | Committed by kai_schablewski on 03 October, 2019
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