Taxonomic Swap 141157 (Committed on 18-03-2024)

A comprehensive molecular phylogeny o... (Citation) | Karoopixie Lepis
Added by karoopixie on 14 March, 2024 14:20 | Committed by karoopixie on 18 March, 2024
replaced with


@loarie please could you help me to cancel/reverse/delete this swap - I made a big mistake! Tony says he has sent you my email about this.

What was supposed to happen:

Drepanogynis tripartita --> Apleroneura tripartita
Drepanogynis prouti --> Axiodes tripartita

What did happen:

Drepanogynis tripartita --> Axiodes tripartita

Posted by karoopixie 4 months ago


Posted by loarie 4 months ago

Thank you so much!!

Wishing you a lovely day further :-)

Posted by karoopixie 4 months ago

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