Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Eclectus. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Eclectus roratus 19225

Taxonomic Split 133353 (Committed on 31-10-2023)

Sumba Eclectus Eclectus cornelia, Tanimbar Eclectus E. riedeli, and Papuan Eclectus E. polychloros are split from Moluccan Eclectus (formerly Eclectus Parrot) E. roratus (Clements 2007:139)

Summary: Four species are now recognized in the Eclectus Parrot complex. Each occurs in a separate island group from eastern Indonesia through northern Australia, and some are likely threatened by trade.

Details: Six forms of the genus Eclectus were originally described as full species, and of these, four form major groups on plumage, size, and biogeography (a fifth is of unknown provenance). They have all long been treated as a single species (e.g., Peters 1937), with surprisingly little dispute among subsequent authors despite the great amount of variation encompassed. The mtDNA phylogeny of Braun et al. (2017) showed deep mitochondrial divergence congruent with the four major plumage groups of Eclectus, leading WGAC, HBW and BirdLife International (2022), and Clements et al. (2023) to treat these as four separate species.

Added by donalddavesne on 31 October, 2023 01:39 | Committed by donalddavesne on 31 October, 2023
split into


According to ebird, feral populations in Singapore, Palau and some area of Australia are polychloros.
The former nominal species is restricted to the Moluccas.

Posted by donalddavesne 9 months ago

Looks good to me

Posted by rjq 9 months ago

@rjq What about the captive and escapees from outside these areas? They'll all end up Eclectus sp. but maybe that's a good thing since it will force people to reevaluate the ID?

Posted by donalddavesne 9 months ago

As you say, they’ll get a genus ID, but that’s correct as they could be any of the species

Posted by rjq 9 months ago

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