Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Nudicaules. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Viola tripartita 170264

Taxonomic Split 126282 (Committed on 27-05-2023)

Viola tripartita (sensu lato) split into:

  • Viola tripartita (sensu stricto)
  • Viola glaberrima
  • Viola tenuipes

Discussion here:

Viola tripartita in the strict sense always has at least some compound leaves or leaves with deep lobes. It has a restricted range, mostly in the southern Appalachians.

The other two species have unlobed and undivided leaves. They are apparently nearly allopatric. See this page (or references below) for their distinguishing characters.

Split recognized by:
POWO (https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:267008-2, https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:868222-1),
Flora of the Southeastern U.S. (2023 ed.),
Harvey Ballard's website

A taxonomic treatment of the violets ... (Citation)
Added by ddennism on 26 May, 2023 01:28 | Committed by ddennism on 27 May, 2023
split into


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