Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Falcunculus. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Falcunculus frontatus 8585

Taxonomic Split 118985 (Committed on 24-12-2022)

Each of the three monotypic groups is recognized as a species, based on differences in plumage and on morphometrics (Schodde and Mason 1999). The group Crested Shrike-tit (Eastern) Falcunculus frontatus frontatus becomes Eastern Shrike-tit Falcunculus frontatus; the group Crested Shrike-tit (Western) Falcunculus frontatus leucogaster becomes Western Shrike-tit Falcunculus leucogaster; and the group Crested Shrike-tit (Northern) Falcunculus frontatus whitei becomes Northern Shrike-tit Falcunculus whitei.


Schodde, R., and I.J. Mason. 1999. The directory of Australian birds. Passerines. CSIRO Publishing, Canberra.

Added by maxkirsch on 24 December, 2022 22:54 | Committed by maxkirsch on 24 December, 2022
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