Wildflowers of San Francisco's Journal

Journal archives for April 2019

20 April, 2019

A *WELCOME* message from the Admin and Founder of this brand-new Project

Today the WILDFLOWERS OF SAN FRANCISCO Project was born, a subject near and dear to my heart. Instantly (algorithmically) populated by several hundred observations it proves that wildflowers are alive & well and thriving in a densely populated urban environment such as San Francisco.
What a ringing endorsement of biodiversity, conservation and adaptation! ~ Thank you, everybody, who is out there on the proverbial 'Streets of San Francisco' finding and recording local wildflowers.

~ Please feel free to join me in this project.

Posted on 20 April, 2019 21:39 by sennesand sennesand | 0 comments | Leave a comment

21 April, 2019

Please be sure to add an ANNOTATION of your plant's Phenology as: Flowering

Dear Members: WELCOME to the colorful world of San Francisco wildflowers! Yes, we've got our very own Flower-Power magic going on right here ...
In order to keep our focus on the beautiful blooms and filter out any non-flowering plants we must remember to mark Plant Phenology as Flowering in the drop-down ‘Select’ menu of the Annotations field on our observation page.
Sounds complicated? It really isn't after you have done it once. It is merely a matter of getting into the habit of doing it on all your flowering plant observations. And if that observation is within SF city limits this will put the WoSF icon in the Projects column on your page and also list your item in our SF wildflower inventory. Hurrah!

Posted on 21 April, 2019 15:25 by sennesand sennesand | 0 comments | Leave a comment
