Journal archives for November 2020

06 November, 2020

From fly fungus to frogs!

Thanks to everyone who entered our Halloween challenge, enabling us to send out some truly creepy social media on Halloween. The Bush Blitz cap goes to @cobaltducks for the terrifying Death Fly Fungi. Terrifying if you're a fly that is, though luckily they don't seem to know what's going on!

Death Fly Fungi (ComplexEntomophthora muscae), © Geoffrey Cox

We'll run a new challenge later this month. In the meantime, if you're wondering what to focus on over the next week, it's Frog ID Week, so why not give your local frogs a little extra attention? Just be mindful that if you record a frog using the FrogID app, those records will go to ALA (so no need to upload them to iNaturalist too) but we look forward to seeing/hearing what else you'll come across while you're out listening for frogs.

Posted on 06 November, 2020 02:48 by bushblitz bushblitz | 1 comment | Leave a comment

23 November, 2020

Spot the difference - bee careful!

It can be easy to misidentify observations, particularly when some species look so similar. And, if someone agrees with your incorrect ID, your observation will soon become an official record in our national biodiversity database ALA.

One of our regular contributors contacted us recently to let us know how they had been fooled by some clever mimicry, and how this provided an opportunity for us to educate our members. Tell us in the comments which of the 4 creatures below is the odd one out and why, and you could win a Bush Blitz cap. We'll reveal the answer in the comments on Wednesday 25 November.

If you regularly ID observations on iNaturalist, you may be aware of other species that are regularly misidentified. We'd love to have your suggestions for more of these informative quizzes. Email your suggestions to Thanks!

  1. © Geoffrey Cox, 2. © kalimata, 3. © Tim Wang, 4. © Deb Ralph
Posted on 23 November, 2020 01:33 by bushblitz bushblitz | 6 comments | Leave a comment