Journal archives for July 2020

01 July, 2020

Cryptogams in the city

Congratulations to Daphne (@kalimata), our 'Discovering cryptogams' winner, and Kongwak Primary School (@kongwak-junior-p-3), who were Highly Commended! Daphne enjoyed looking at the area where she lives with fresh eyes and discovered many cryptogams she hadn't noticed before. During the week she uploaded photos of some of the lichens, mosses, fungi, ferns and algae that make the city their home.

© kalimata

If you want to enter the Week 3 challenge (Discovering invertebrates), email your entry to by midnight AEST tonight (Wednesday 1 July).

For Week 4, the focus will be on animals with more than eight legs (and we're pretty flexible on what we'll accept as 'legs'). Visit the Bush Blitz website for further details.

Posted on 01 July, 2020 03:59 by bushblitz bushblitz | 0 comments | Leave a comment

08 July, 2020

Intriguing invertebrates

Thank you to everyone who entered our Week 3 challenge - Discovering Invertebrates. We had some wonderful images to choose from but the $30 Snowgum voucher and Bush Blitz cap are on their way to Kristi (@zosterops99) in Tasmania. Here's one of her images - a Passionvine Hopper.

© Kristi Ellingsen

For the Week 5 challenge, we're encouraging people to plant a native. One of the aims of Bush Blitz is to encourage Australians to learn about the importance of biodiversity and explore ways to improve and protect it. While you won't be able to add your new plant to our project, it may attract some wild visitors that you can add some time in the future! Visit the Bush Blitz website for further details.

Posted on 08 July, 2020 03:32 by bushblitz bushblitz | 1 comment | Leave a comment

15 July, 2020

More than Eight

The winner of our Week 4 challenge 'More than Eight' is Simon Ong (@simono). Simon is an entomologist living in Kununurra in the remote Kimberley region of Western Australia. His entry included a crab, shrimp and sea slater (below) that he photographed while on a trip to Cape Domett - a remote but popular fishing spot five hours from town, down a dirt track.

© simono

For the Week 6 challenge we're asking you to build a native bee hotel. Why not have a go? As well as helping our native bees, you will increase your chances of seeing them in your garden and will be in the running to win a $30 Snowgum voucher and Bush Blitz cap! Visit the Bush Blitz website for further details.

Posted on 15 July, 2020 02:08 by bushblitz bushblitz | 1 comment | Leave a comment

22 July, 2020

Plant invaders!

Take part in this week's challenge - it shouldn't be hard to find a weed. Environmental weeds have a serious impact on Australia's biodiversity but iNaturalist can be a useful weapon against them, helping us recognise and record them, and alerting land managers to their presence. @steve818 is an ACT weeds manager who has set up Weed Swap - Early Invaders which offers an incentive for people to record new and emerging weed species in the ACT region, like this Pink Pampas Grass. Look out for similar projects in your area.

© Steve Taylor

For your chance to win a $30 online voucher for Snowgum and a Bush Blitz cap, photograph at least one plant living in the wild that is not native to Australia, upload it to the Backyard Species Discovery project and email links to your observations to by midnight AEST Wednesday 29 July. Visit the Bush Blitz website for further details.

Don't forget the closing date for the Week 5 and Week 6 challenges 'Plant a native' and 'Build a native bee hotel' is midnight AEST tonight Wednesday 22 July!

Posted on 22 July, 2020 02:03 by bushblitz bushblitz | 0 comments | Leave a comment

29 July, 2020

The early BIRD catches the worm

This week's challenge sounds simple - add three bird species to the Backyard Species Discovery project between now and next Wednesday 5 August and email us links to your observations. Birds are all around us and they are the 'Most Observed Species' in this project, with the Superb Fairywren looking quite safe in third position. However, we all know that taking great photos of birds is not simple and therein lies the challenge. The judges will be looking for images that allow the birds to be easily identified, plus there will be extra points for rare or unusual sightings. Give it a go - there's only one way to get better!

© deborod

Congratulations to Julia and Isaac who won the 'Plant a native' and 'Build a native bee hotel' challenges respectively and will each receive an e-voucher for Snowgum and a Bush Blitz cap.

For further details about our weekly challenges, visit the Bush Blitz website.

The 'Plant invaders' challenge closes at midnight AEST tonight Wednesday 29 July.

Posted on 29 July, 2020 01:45 by bushblitz bushblitz | 0 comments | Leave a comment