An unexpected trip down south

Well looks like I will get another chance to try and locate a Dragonhunter once more. My aunt went down to San Marcos for a class but didn't comeback with a lot of the stuff she went down with. Ssssooo! We have to go back down and retrieve it. I started to look up sightings of Dragonhunters and have seen a couple of recent observations from 2018 but one has really caught my eye from earlier this year. So I am going to try and go to a few of the areas around and see if I can't track down this species in San Marcos. I don't really have much for that area so it would be kind of cool to see what else I can find down there. I don't think we will do the same trek like we did last time but it would be nice to visit some of the local parks and the areas the majority of the Dragonhunters have been found. Maybe I should wear my Dragonhunter T-shirt just for the heck of the hunt. I don't wear it much only on special occasions when all I do is strict Dragonfly hunting. I am getting closer to finding one. I have seen a few Clubtails around down there. I am hoping it will be a successful hunt of course we have our main objective but still if we get there early enough we will be able to go to a few of the places where I am finding little pockets of them. So until next time to the hunt or as the Jem H'adar say one Star Trek Deep Space Nine Victory is Life!

Posted on 20 June, 2019 00:46 by galactic_bug_man galactic_bug_man


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