The Challenge is over. The results will be made known at our local time at around midnight.

If you are wandering around dazed and wondering what you are going to do with the rest of your life, then dont worry, there is still lots to be done. iNaturalist is still there for uploading, identifying and connecting with your new and old biodiversity friends.

While waiting (and even later), why not let us hear some of your insights, highlights and problems. How did you enjoy the Challenge? What would you like included? Did anyone go the extra mile for you?

Please tell us about your experiences on the Challenge!

Posted on 06 May, 2019 17:08 by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


I enjoyed participating in the challenge, I would have liked to add more sightings for the challenge, my time was limited. I had a problem trying to upload a call. I had to do it on the website, when I loaded it, but it wouldn't play. After several attempts I deleted the call as it would work.

Posted by bronwen1 about 5 years ago

THANK YOU to all the people that worked so hard to get us all involved and to make a difference

those that worked tirelessly to convince us and teach us
the leaders in Observations and species that inspired us
the incredibles that multitasked and even while doing IDs with almost no sleep helped at the Kirstenbosch Plant fair.

Dangerous to mention names but especial Salud to
Gigi, Tony and Pat

Posted by cpt_cj about 5 years ago

Thanks again Tony - I can't imagine how hectic thinks must have gotten with your plant ID crowd! Only 2 suggestions I'd have for next year:

We need to get more of the general public involved, people that aren't necessarily connected by word of mouth to our naturalisty organisations. Maybe we coulf approach Cape Union Mart, the Cableway, etc. to also promote this on their side somehow.
To ease the burden on you guys, maybe we could also put together a bit of a pamphlet or video to help ID the most basic common species/genera - I'm sure your task of IDing things would have been easier if others were able to pick out the most common species for you.

Amazing anyway! Looking forward to the next one!

Posted by twooceansdevon about 5 years ago

Let us do it again in October. Our plant experts should have caught up on their sleep by then and we shall see our flowering bulbs and the Northern Hemisphere shall map their fungi.

Many of us learnt as we went along so next time round should be easier.

Posted by ruthie_mac about 5 years ago

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