Sesiidae Activity Using Pheromone Lures 2021
This post is a summary of my first experience using lures to attract moths. S. sapygaeformis (Florida Oakgall Borer) was
by far the most common Sesiidae moth here with 80 observations in the fall and 3 observations in the spring. All of these
except one were observed at the Vivagrow Peachtree Borer Lure. Some of the specimens entered the trap but most of them
did not, having been observed buzzing around the trap without entering.
One observation of S. sapygaeformis was recorded at the Alpha Scents SYNEXI lure. The only other Alpha Scents lure
with positive results was the VITPOL lure with one recorded observation of V. polistiformis.
Two observations of M. calabaza were recorded in nectaring activity away from the lures.
The Vivagrow Peachtree Borer Lure is available from, others from
S. sapygaeformis observation from 10/23/21 captured in trap:
Table of lures used in 2021 with recorded species:
Lure |
Target Species |
Date Lure Placed in Yard |
Total # of observations |
Observation Dates |
Vivagrow Peach Tree Borer Lure #1 |
Synanthedon sapygaeformis (1) |
4/5/21 - 6/14/21 |
3 |
4/9/21 - 4/14/21 |
Vivagrow Peach Tree Borer Lure #2 |
Synanthedon sapygaeformis |
6/14/21 – 8/10/21 |
0 |
- |
Vivagrow Peach Tree Borer Lure #3 |
Synanthedon sapygaeformis |
8/10/21 – 10/2/21 |
35 |
8/14/21 – 9/30/21 |
Vivagrow Peach Tree Borer Lure #4 |
Synanthedon sapygaeformis |
10/2/21 – 12/27/21 |
44 |
10/2/21 – 12/17/21 |
Alpha Scents SYNSCI #1 |
Synanthedon scitula |
4/25/21 – 5/25/21 |
0 |
- |
Alpha Scents PODSYR |
Podosesia syringae |
5/22/21 – 6/22/21 |
0 |
- |
Alpha Scents SYNPIC |
Synanthedon pictipes |
5/22/21 – 6/22/21 |
0 |
- |
Alpha Scents VITPOL #1 |
Vitacea polistiformis |
5/22/21 – 6/22/21 |
1 |
6/7/21 |
Alpha Scents MELCUC |
Melittia cucurbitae |
8/16/21 – 9/19/21 |
(2) |
8/29/21 – 8/30/21 |
Alpha Scents SYNEXI |
Synanthedon exitiosa |
8/21/21 – 9/21/21 |
(3) |
9/6/21 |
Alpha Scents SYNSCI #2 |
Synanthedon scitula |
9/12/21 – 10/15/21 |
0 |
- |
Alpha Scents SACERN |
Synanthedon acerni |
9/19/21 – 10/26/21 |
0 |
- |
Alpha Scents VITPOL #2 |
Vitacea polistiformis |
9/21/21 – 10/31/21 |
0 |
- |
Alpha Scents PENMAR |
Pennisetia marginatum |
10/9/21 – 11/20/21 |
0 |
- |
Alpha Scents PODAUR |
Podosesia aureocincta |
10/9/21 – 11/20/21 |
0 |
- |
- The Vivagrow
Peachtree Borer lure targets six species of Sesiidae moths other than S. sapygaeformis.
None of these were observed at this lure. - Zero observations of M. cucurbitae. Two observations of M. calabaza nectaring on flowers near the trap.
- Zero observations of S. exitiosa. One observation of S. sapygaeformis captured in trap.