Journal archives for June 2023

05 June, 2023

My copyright changed? Whoops

Hey everyone. If you used some of my pics in the past for anything and credited me correctly - don't be afraid, I did not change the copyright of apparently every photo ever willingly. I pressed a wrong button. So if you've used a pic from before 06/05/2023 and gave appropriate credit, you are good to go. Appropriate credit is usually the name of the photographer but also - I would love if you let me know you used one via DM. If you want to use any pics that are more recent than this date, please ask me first. For MOST of the pics I will give you permission for non-commercial and scientific use.

Posted on 05 June, 2023 19:07 by samleipzig samleipzig | 0 comments | Leave a comment

24 June, 2023

Bad Düben in the heat

It shouldn't be over 32°C mid June but it was when I went to Bad Düben on June 21st. I couldn't get a photo of any of the dozens of birds I heard since they were hiding from the heat but I included one sound that I think was of a bird, sounded a bit like a parrot which it surely wasn't. Would be glad if someone could identify that one for me:

I did however see quite a lot of insects, could capture some on photo, and a nicely colored orb-weaver.

Bad Düben is the access point to Dübener Heide, a nature reserve consisting of mostly broadleaf woodlands, some of which are only about 40 years old after the coal industry left.

Posted on 24 June, 2023 17:13 by samleipzig samleipzig | 26 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
