Journal archives for July 2021

03 July, 2021

Weekday Moth Week event! Stephenville, TX

[UPDATE: links to observations made Wednesday]

Here's the bounding box for Lance's place to view observations:

And here's the link for the identification modal (the filter is set to show research grade also):

We're hosting a weekday mini-bioblitz during Moth Week, Wednesday, July 21st. The location is a gem of a place on the headwaters of the South Paluxy River north of Stephenville. Lance's property is about 30 acres and includes some limestone upland area and some really nice heavily wooded bottomland along the river (which, at this location, is a very small, but deep channel, stream).

The hillsides are clothed in native grasses, wildflowers, shrubs, juniper, and oak. The river (more like a babbling brook) is flowing and full of water beetles and other aquatic life. Lance, the landowner, has been allowing the land to restore itself from it's former state for the past 20 years and it's looking pretty spectacular.

Here's the location:,-98.1684813,728m/data=!3m1!1e3

The gate to the property is recognizable by being constructed of black pipe. The narrow driveway winds downhill through the property to the rock house. Find a place to park in the mowed grass near the house (Google map pinpointing house).

Here's a photo looking down on the house from the log cabin.

There will be electricity for lights, but you should bring extension cords if you have your own light setup.

Folks can start arriving anytime after 1 pm--feel free to explore the property before the mothing event that evening. The amount of life and diversity on this place is pretty amazing.

Posted on 03 July, 2021 16:51 by pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton | 21 comments | Leave a comment