Journal archives for July 2017

01 July, 2017

Micromoth ID

This link is for those who are off their rocker and think they want to take a stab at IDing their micromoths:,49682,47155,61414,61352,176535,53552,51269,67432,173582&view=species

Not all are included, of course, and there are certainly some errors (so double check with BugGuide and MPG), but it's a place to start. Micromoths aren't a monophyletic group, and some families contain both large and small moths--which explains why there are some macromoths amongst the mix.

There's a good wikipedia page here, which is where I got the listing of superfamilies to include in this link (I didn't include the superfamiles less likely to be encountered--you can certainly modify this link to add them if you wish).

And the bounding box can certainly be adjusted to suit your needs (but keep it pretty broad to capture more diversity for these less-observed moths).

Posted on 01 July, 2017 13:17 by pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton | 4 comments | Leave a comment