Journal archives for August 2023

15 August, 2023

Bioblitz/Meetup | August 26 | 8:30 am | EcoLab at Carpenter Train Station

Hey everyone,

I was thinking of doing another fall bioblitz like last year, but @allisonrhoughton alerted me to a bioblitz happening on August 26th at the Ecolab at the Carpenter Train Station. I think we can make it do double duty and have it be a fun meetup like last year (but hopefully without the rain). I'm hoping to see a lot of you there - it's been a while. Here are the details from Allison:

"Volunteer with us to do a Biodiversity Survey at the EcoLab!
Saturday, August 26th from 8:30-11:30am

Calling all naturalists, citizen scientists, and neighbors of all ages! We are looking for volunteers to help us get a biodiversity baseline for the Ecolab space at the SEPTA Carpenter Train Station. We'll be using the free app to take pictures and identify as many species as we can. Knowing what species are present gives us insights into the ecological health of the landscape and ideas on how we might strategically increase biodiversity and resilience over time. Come join this exciting opportunity!"

Note to bring your own water/hat/sunscreen, etc... Also there are no restrooms on site just so folks know!

Please tag any other iNatters in the area who might be interested. See you there!

Posted on 15 August, 2023 12:56 by navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar | 1 comment | Leave a comment