Journal archives for April 2022

24 April, 2022

The City Nature Challenge starts Friday!

Hey everyone!

The City Nature Challenge is back again this year from April 29-May 2! Like previous years, the challenge area is the county of Philadelphia plus all counties that directly share a border with Philadelphia. This includes Montgomery, Bucks, and Delaware counties in PA and Camden, Gloucester, and Burlington counties in NJ. During the CNC last year, the Greater Philadelphia Area did pretty well with just under 20k observations, 2219 species, and 966 observers (let's get more than 1000 people participating this year!). Congratulations to @annebekker who became the first person to cross 400 species during a Philly CNC. And just like last year, a shoutout to @srall who participated in both the NYC and Philly CNC efforts and ended up with the 2nd most observations in both Philly and NYC! Can anybody beat Anne's and Sara's totals this year?

This year, we have some group activities like guided walks (most require registration) but we are still encouraging individuals or small groups to go out on their own and make observations. The CNC is not being pitched as a competition again this year, but rather as a collaborative effort where cities around the world work together to document biodiversity in urban areas. But individual cities are encouraged to do mini-competitions with each other.

I'm tagging all of you here because you are one of the top observers in our region (either all-time or recently) and we would love to have your help in making even more observations during this 4 day period at the end of the month. And to make sure we get as many species as possible, I've made a simple website that shows you all the species that have been reported in our region during April and May, but not yet seen during the CNC: The species are organized in descending order of how many observations have been made for that species. As people make observations, they will fall off that list every 30 minutes or so.

We would also love your help in spreading the word about the CNC among your family and friends. You can also tag them in the comments here.

Here are some useful links with more info:
Philly CNC website:
Philly CNC iNat project:
Main CNC website:
Last year's results:

Thanks for documenting the biodiversity of our region and we hope you'll help us during the CNC as well.

PS: I know some of you aren't in the area anymore or are away during the CNC, but we'd still appreciate it if you can spread the word to everyone you know. Thank you!

@brennafarrell @josephthebirder @linkmdavis @keimwj @johnnysap @conboy @annebekker @srall @bugsandbirds @nmacelko2 @brianwhite @ginsengandsoon @danefroymson @maricel-patino @robizzy @jstippick @michaelmorris @seahound @kmv @augien @sammakler @brittany101 @jenovak @mbwildlife @jmole @zroskoph @pachogut @kdstutzman @laurenhallden @robm2 @michaelpirrello @mikehannisian @joedurrance @prolleston @prolleston @jawnattenborough @mertensia @galecannon @mahenry @naturejeanne @clearwing_moth @dsponsler @that_hippie_chick @adventurehiker @jason310 @mycofreak @jhbinaturalist @bmac922 @birdzilla @georgemushkal @tkr421 @sgreene13 @cherz13 @gracejeschke @raincro @maryah @kellyfrank98 @mjacobs @chippop @anne302 @jas651fcm @rayray @ryan117 @godshallcs @stretchwell @arisingunder

Posted on 24 April, 2022 18:32 by navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar | 20 comments | Leave a comment

29 April, 2022

Let's go Philly!

Cold start to the morning, but there's plenty of wildlife to find. At 7:30 in the morning, we're at 42 observations, 35 species, and 9 observers. Let's set a goal of 5000 observations for the day. Who's with me?

Good luck and happy iNatting everyone!

Posted on 29 April, 2022 11:37 by navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar | 6 comments | Leave a comment

30 April, 2022

Day 2 - Can we step up our game?

Another chilly start but warming up nicely later in the morning. How was everyone's first day? Collectively, we did pretty well - a little over 3k observations, 815 species, and 213 observers. Traditionally, we more than double our Friday totals on Saturday; can we keep up the trend? Maybe hit 10k observations today? Let's get those participant numbers up too. Tell your family, friends, and neighbors to add a couple of observations.

Globally, La Paz is off to a rocking lead. 35k observations, 2016 species, and most impressively, 2258 people participating. Can we close that gap? It all depends on you!

Happy day 2 of iNatting!

Posted on 30 April, 2022 11:23 by navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar | 2 comments | Leave a comment