Journal archives for September 2024

25 September, 2024

Collect for the Eurosta Gall Size Project

Linyi Zhang at GWU and her collaborators Art Weis and Glen Hood are seeking dedicated naturalists to add sites to their continent-wide gall evolution project. Compared to some previous collection opportunities I've promoted, this one requires a bit more commitment and planning, but it's a really ambitious long term study that should produce some pretty cool evolutionary insight. It might be a cool project to undertake with a biology class or a naturalist group, rather than alone.


The range of Eurosta solidaginis

What you'd need to do:

  1. Identify a conveniently accessible site (e.g. wildlife management area; old fields) that contains a large population of Eurosta (look for places Solidago altissima is commonly reported). Write down the coordinates of the site.

Before the first frost:

  • Clear the site of last year's galls (dry, gray/silver, emergence holes)
  • Identify the Solidago species present at the site. If there are multiple species, mark hosts that are Solidago altissima (hairy stems).
  • We have a leaf kit you can request to send leaf samples if desired, or you can make iNat observations and seek confirmation from experts.
  • Determine collection timing. Needs to be after winter (when woodpeckers stop feeding on galls) but before Eurosta emerge (sometime between early March and late April). We'll have a tool ready by new year to help calculate this for your latitude.

When time comes:

  • Collect galls. Cut with pruning shears, place in paper bags, label each bag with site name and coordinates, ship together in a cardboard box.
  • Ideally 200+, 400 if population is really large, 50 is not enough for the main project but useful for sequencing.
Posted on 25 September, 2024 18:57 by megachile megachile | 5 comments | Leave a comment