Journal archives for December 2012

23 December, 2012

Winter Friends

I have my buddies back.....every morning I wake up, open the curtains to my sliding glass doors, and see the bright colors of the birds that are feeding. Downy woodpeckers, black-capped chickadees, northern cardinals, blue jays, and the occasional red-breasted nuthatch have already made this winter beautiful. I find myself looking outdoors every night to check on the amount of seed left in my feeder, almost neurotically telling myself that I need to fill them up the next day. The woodpeckers and chickadees seem to be the busiest, especially in the wee hours of the morning when the sun has barely risen.
Those precious little beings have to eat almost 10% of their body weight during the day just to survive these cold months. I complain about getting bundled up to go the grocery store; I can't imagine shivering all night like a bird trying to stay warm.
I'll make sure to give them a little Christmas present when I get home tonight. I'll even brave the world of retail on the day after Christmas to get them more sunflower seed. I must really love them..........

Posted on 23 December, 2012 18:23 by mdoran mdoran | 0 comments | Leave a comment
