Journal archives for August 2012

18 August, 2012

Fall frenzy

You know that fall is soon to arrive when you are stuck amongst the trees, seeing beautiful colors of the migrants moving through. Who said fall warblers aren't beautiful? Not me! This morning I had a beautiful experience, that reminded me that the natural world is constantly changing, adjusting, adapting, and living. I sometimes get enclosed in the bubble of my personal life, and all it takes to unwind me is to know that one small, actually tiny, bird may be using the constellations to find his way south this month.
We saw warblers feeding on caterpillars, insects, and flitting about the trees as we walked the lower portion of the Oxbow. I don't think that any of us expected that on a cool, August morning, our life would change, even if just for a day.

Posted on 18 August, 2012 20:42 by mdoran mdoran | 0 comments | Leave a comment
