Journal archives for March 2017

10 March, 2017

Coachella Valley National Wildlife Refuge

I've gotten the go ahead to take people out on the dunes at the Coachella Valley National Wildlife Refuge in Palm Desert to set up blacklights to look for moths and other insects. This is an area that is normally closed off to the public but that's one of the perks of being a biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. So if any of you guys are interested in a making a trip out there let me know. We could also go out earlier in the day and look for the Coachella Valley Fringe Toed Lizard if anyone is interested in seeing that as well. The dunes are really green this year and will probably be hitting peak bloom in about 10 days ( is my guess) so if anyone would like to check out the bloom we could definitely spend time doing that as well.

@finatic @jaykeller @glmory @silversea_starsong @cedric_lee @lonnyholmes @swbirder @cwbarrows

Feel free to tag anyone else who may be interested but we'll have to keep the group somewhat small (no more than 10) so we're not bringing a lot of foot traffic through a sensitive ecosystem. I'm up for making multiple trips up there, if there is interest in doing so.

Posted on 10 March, 2017 17:19 by matthew_salkiewicz matthew_salkiewicz | 17 comments | Leave a comment
