Coachella Valley National Wildlife Refuge

I've gotten the go ahead to take people out on the dunes at the Coachella Valley National Wildlife Refuge in Palm Desert to set up blacklights to look for moths and other insects. This is an area that is normally closed off to the public but that's one of the perks of being a biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. So if any of you guys are interested in a making a trip out there let me know. We could also go out earlier in the day and look for the Coachella Valley Fringe Toed Lizard if anyone is interested in seeing that as well. The dunes are really green this year and will probably be hitting peak bloom in about 10 days ( is my guess) so if anyone would like to check out the bloom we could definitely spend time doing that as well.

@finatic @jaykeller @glmory @silversea_starsong @cedric_lee @lonnyholmes @swbirder @cwbarrows

Feel free to tag anyone else who may be interested but we'll have to keep the group somewhat small (no more than 10) so we're not bringing a lot of foot traffic through a sensitive ecosystem. I'm up for making multiple trips up there, if there is interest in doing so.

Posted on 10 March, 2017 17:19 by matthew_salkiewicz matthew_salkiewicz


If I'm free on the dates(s) you are going count me in. Sounds awesome.

Posted by finatic over 7 years ago

I have the opportunity to go up there whenever since we manage that refuge as well. It's up to everyone else what date(s) people want to go and I can make it happen.

Posted by matthew_salkiewicz over 7 years ago

I'm free in the evenings for the next few weeks. Let me know how many extra spots you might have - I can probably fill 3-4 easily enough, maybe more.

Posted by cwbarrows over 7 years ago

With two weeks notice I can make most weekends. Going earlier and spending a day (starting around noonish) in the area plus setting up lights after dark would be awesome. But if that is too greedy I'm happy to follow suit with what you're wanting to do.

Posted by finatic over 7 years ago

How about Saturday, March 25th or the following Saturday April 1st?

Posted by matthew_salkiewicz over 7 years ago

Actually the 25th won't work for me. I'm free next weekend and every weekend in April so far.

Posted by matthew_salkiewicz over 7 years ago

I'm 20 minutes away, so pretty flexible. I've got public night hikes scheduled in the SRSJM National Monument on April 1st and April 11th, and a weed pull on April 22nd in Joshua Tree, but otherwise have no firm conflicts.

Posted by cwbarrows over 7 years ago

April Fools's Day work for me.

Posted by finatic over 7 years ago

Let's do our first one April 1. @cwbarrows if you and and anyone you know would like to join us after your night hike you are more than welcome too. If you can't, we can always go out again. @finatic already has the whole blacklight setup but I will be purchasing the lights and battery sometime in the next couple weeks as well. @biohexx1 you should join us as well!

Posted by matthew_salkiewicz over 7 years ago
Posted by finatic over 7 years ago

I'm in! Let me know!

Posted by biohexx1 over 7 years ago

@squam8 may already be there working on the lizard

Posted by pileated over 7 years ago

@cae1 If you're still in the Coachella Valley on the 1st you're more than welcome to join us as well.

Posted by matthew_salkiewicz over 7 years ago

@matthew_salkiewicz Sounds great, but I'm headed back to the SF Bay area tomorrow. Thanks for all you help with IDs.

Posted by cae1 over 7 years ago

For Saturday...
Anyone coming from the San Diego area can meet me at the Sonny Bono Refuge around noon and we can head up to the Coachella refuge together. Anyone coming from a different area can meet us at the fire station on the corner of Washington Street and 38th Avenue in Palm Desert. We should get up there between 1 and 1:30 pm to look for Coachella Valley Fringe Toed Lizards and figure out a game plan for the rest of the afternoon/evening before setting up the lights at dusk. I'm looking forward to taking you guys out there. We should see a lot of cool stuff. I'll have a couch available to anyone else who wants to stay the night at the Sonny Bono refuge, @finatic has already claimed the extra room I have.

Posted by matthew_salkiewicz over 7 years ago

Woo hoo. Looking forward to a great day and evening.

Posted by finatic over 7 years ago
Posted by pileated over 7 years ago

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