Journal archives for May 2015

14 May, 2015

International Migratory Bird Day

Excellent trip despite the cool, windy weather with great glimpses of a hole-drilling williamson's sapsucker and a great gray owl. I also heard my first pika of the season. Two of them were calling near the Lewis River in Yellowstone.

Posted on 14 May, 2015 13:59 by jay jay | 10 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

31 May, 2015

Cougar Sighting

Intended to hike ridgeline from highway near Little Dell to Bald Mountain, and return via Big Hatch Canyon trail, if I could locate it. About a mile and a half into the hike I caught a glimpse of a couger which soon darted away. I decided to change direction and avoid additional contact witht he cougar. Did encounter a couple of moose and songbirds, especially yellow warblers were plentiful along the Hatch trail.

Posted on 31 May, 2015 12:12 by jay jay | 2 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment