Journal archives for March 2012

01 March, 2012

Spring Tune-Up

Mourning Doves are starting to coo. Along with the Lesser Goldfinch, House Finch and Juncos, we have a nice morning serenade each morning, interrupted only by the demands of the Scrubjays.

Posted on 01 March, 2012 03:12 by jay jay | 0 comments | Leave a comment

04 March, 2012

New Additions to Lesser Goldfinch Flock

We had a breeding pair in the yard last year and a group of six have hung around the feeder all winter. Today, two more birds were seen. Not sure if adding two more feeding stations in the yard attracted them.

Posted on 04 March, 2012 01:16 by jay jay | 1 observation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

21 March, 2012

Corvid Antics

Hoping to see new migrants at Red Butte today, but nothing unusual. Birds have paired-up and heard or saw Mallards, Spotted Towhee, California Quail, Western Scrub-jay, Black-capped Chickadees, Magpies and Ruby-crowned Kinglets in close proximity. The grounds contained a number of singing Song Sparrows, but not sure they had found mates. Magpies were busy working on the next near the entrance, but they seemed somewhat annoyed by my presence.

Posted on 21 March, 2012 00:16 by jay jay | 2 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment