Scattered tufts in leaf litter under young spruce in mixed forest in close proximity to
Growing in leaf litter in mixed forest. In close proximity with
In recently burned area amongst moss and Entolomas. Same trees
Growing from soil in mixed forest. Invisible spore print. Small round not obviously ornamented spores. Photo in Lugol’s
3.5(4) x 3.1(3) micron n = 8
Aspect Ratio = 1.2(1)
This looked much smaller than Clavaria zollingeri. It was growing in a wet area near a beaver pond.
Probasidia with clamp. Basidia 4-sterigmata. Basidiospores tiny, ellipsoid, verrucose.
It was still fruiting on Aug 31.
Growing in a darker, sparser patch of a colony of Dennstaedtia punctilobula