39.. KNNV Drielanden Lepidoptera night

18 August, 2019 19:00 - 18 August, 2019 21:59
| Latitude: 53.243 | Longitude: 6.619 | Radius (m): 497 | Distance travelled: 5m | Duration: 179 minutes | Number of observers: 5 |

KNNV Nachtvlinder nacht

https://www.inaturalist.org/identifications?user_id=juliereid 3

Other parameters you can add:

&category=maverick|supporting|improving|leading Default: any
&current=false|any Default: true
&for=self|others|any Default: any

Find observations missing a location
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?quality_grade=any&place_id=any&not_in_place=91708,97391&user_id=ahospers&verifiable=any works!

You can play with the other parameters, as well – adding different &PARAMETER=SETTING options. Choose between options separated by the “|”. It’s safe; you shouldn’t be able to break anything, just get

But there is still a huge need for classical projects: i.e. projects to which observations are manually added, or added by virtue of observation fields that are required. To my mind these are "tagged" projects. (in iNat logic one traditionally "added observations to projects", but for similar projects on iSpot we added tags and created projects to filter on the tags - the net effect is the same, a lookup table of project-tag and observation, that can be used as a filter - either alone or with other filters).
The addition of a project-tag filter to the new projects will make the "traditional" projects into "collection type" projects too, while preserving the Project Icons on the observations.
((the additional functionality of defining observation fields from within a project is an extremely useful feature.))

A nitpick: is the central filter a Location filter (using google places) or a Place filter (using user-created iNat polygons) or both? It would help if the terminology was standardized with the observations pages and its filters.

Posted on 17 August, 2019 22:54 by ahospers ahospers


There are four night with nachtvlinders

Posted by ahospers about 5 years ago

I added a very basic search to atlases in response to Jane’s feature request https://www.inaturalist.org/atlases 6. So now if you wanted to see all ‘marked’, ‘active’ atlases of taxa in the LIliaceae you’d do https://www.inaturalist.org/atlases?utf8=✓&filters[taxon_name]=Lilies&filters[taxon_id]=47328&filters[is_active]=True&filters[is_marked]=True

The out-of-range is vestigal, we don’t display it anywhere anymore (except the old filter menu thats still on https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/loarie 1). It worked directly on the taxon-range, rather than using atlases

Find observations missing a location
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?quality_grade=any&place_id=any&not_in_place=91708,97391&user_id=ahospers&verifiable=any works!

for this user, filtering on verifiable=false gives me more or less what I want, but conflates these with any Data Quality criteria, not just missing coordinates.
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&subview=grid&user_id=ahospers&verifiable=false 1

This is slightly better as it’ll exclude captive=true and species = human:


This comes from Ways to help out on iNat - wiki:
“Help fix casual grade observations 1 by informing the observer that the date or location is missing”


My Unknowns
My Unknowns
Je kunt ze ook vinden door naar "your observations" te gaan en dan bij filters de "unknown" filter aan te zetten. Dan zie je alles waar geen soort naam bij staa
UNKNOWN SouthAfrica TonyReblo (why page4?)

SEARCH own Identifications
https://www.inaturalist.org/identifications?user_id=juliereid 3

Other parameters you can add:

&category=maverick|supporting|improving|leading Default: any
&current=false|any Default: true
&for=self|others|any Default: any

No coordinates and you have other obs from the same day and all those obs from that day HAVE TIMES appending ?interpolate_coordinates=true to the edit observation URL (the URL you’re at when you’re editing an obs, e.g. https://www.inaturlaist.org/observations/edit?interpolate_coordinates=true) will fill in coordinates based on a time-weighted average of the nearest observations in time.

A nitpick: is the central filter a Location filter (using google places) or a Place filter (using user-created iNat polygons) or both? It would help if the terminology was standardized with the observations pages and its filters.

link for creating a traditional project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/new_traditional

Posted by ahospers almost 5 years ago

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