23 September, 2017

Maple Leafcutter Moth

We drove up to Elmore today and there is definitely nicer fall color starting up that way. The red maples seem to be off to a promising start. The sugar maples are getting holes in the leaves from Maple Leafcutter Moths which is part of why their color isn't as nice this year. (see https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/8058201 ) . I am interested in their range and effects so will add those to this project as well. Also I noticed the sugar maples have lots of seeds which are good news for the maple population and for the squirrels, but bad news for color as well since they are drab brown and cover many of the trees.
The birches don't look great this year either, but we will see.

Posted on 23 September, 2017 23:57 by charlie charlie | 0 comments | Leave a comment

22 September, 2017

Weird Weather Dulls 2017 Foliage?

This year seemed to a nice albeit early start to foliage season at the end of August when red maples turned vibrant colors along the wetlands. Unusually cool weather moved the season along quickly. Then the hurricanes formed. While they spared Vermont any of the horrific damage that occurred elsewhere, they seemed to have pushed a bunch of hot air and dry high-pressure systems over Vermont. There's been a string of very warm days likely to culminate in very hot weather next weekend. Then, by the following weekend, more normal cold and perhaps a hard freeze. The trees in Montpelier and other nearby areas seem to be turning golden brown rather than red - still pretty but hardly as vibrant as some years. The season also still seems very early, despite the warm, the dry conditions are causing the trees to drop their leaves, or else maybe they just committed too soon and can't take advantage.

If you see any foliage - pretty or dull, please do add it! It's important to document these 'weird' years. On a more bright note too, the asters of all kinds are LOVING this weather and the marsh aster, flat-topped aster, and Calico aster are all about as pretty as I've ever seen them. Feel free to add fields of aster to this project, they count as fall color too :)

Posted on 22 September, 2017 15:36 by charlie charlie | 1 comment | Leave a comment

30 October, 2015

A successful season!

Well, the foliage season is winding down here in Vermont, except for a few oaks and beech trees. We were able to gather over 280 observations of this year's odd foliage patterns, and while many were from me I was happy to have several other participants, especially @susanelliott . Thanks all! If you see oaks or beech out there or anything else that still has fall color, go ahead and add them, otherwise we will see what next year holds!

Posted on 30 October, 2015 16:01 by charlie charlie | 2 comments | Leave a comment

09 October, 2015

Tracking the Strange 2015 Foliage Season

It's been a strange foliage season in much of Vermont. Trees in the hollows changed around the right time or just a bit late, while trees on higher mountains were still green into October. In some cases the colors are less vibrant than usual, but in other areas they are as eye-popping as ever. Overall things are late... last year at this time, and also two years ago at this time, most of the leaves had fallen around Montpelier, but still the trees have many leaves this year.
Any colorful foliage reports in the greater New England area are helpful (not being a stickler about boundaries - NY state is great too)... but don't forget to also add green foliage on species that are usually already colorful. If you find bare trees like maples and birch, go ahead and add those too.

If you would like to keep your observation locations obscured and don't want to share them with this project, please still feel free to participate. However, if obscured, a general elevation might be helpful, no need to give too much detail!

Posted on 09 October, 2015 13:21 by charlie charlie | 0 comments | Leave a comment
